Got ratted out for celebrating Halloween...

by cognac 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    One of two things will happen. I'll get disfellowshipped and never have to worry about being "told on" again for living a normal life, or; they won't do anything.

    Either way, it's freeing and I feel relieved... It will be sad if I get disfellowshipped but I've come to terms and made peace with it as much as can be expected. It's a huge weight to have off.

    Was told on a week ago and haven't heard anything. I'm guessing if they are going to do anything I'll hear within a week or so. I'll keep you all posted.

  • AlphaMan

    I have been reading your situation with interest. You will be just fine no matter what direction this takes your life. I think I've read that you can deal with your marriage ending if that happens. You seem to be in a great frame of mind. You are determined to have a happy normal life free of negative Watchtower influences for yourself and your kids. I think I even read where you have a great job and make good money. Good luck to you!

  • flipper

    COGNAC- Very interesting. Like I mentioned on your initial thread about the Halloween thing- if your dad is an elder and still has influence he may get his fellow elders to bury the charges against you - handle it privately - you know " private reproof " type thing. My influential elder brother in law did that for HIS daughter , my niece, when her marriage broke up - and the other elders backed off and she never had to deal with a JC. Is your dad still a prominent influence in tyour congregation still, or is he not an elder anymore ? Just curious.

    Either way as you stated, it will be a load off your shoulders. You've been carrying a heavy enough load with everything else going on. Hang in there, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • wannabefree

    I think the Shepherd book says to let it go, although you would not be exemplary, if it's not a religious holiday ... I suppose Halloween is debatable on that one. If you don't want to be disfellowshipped then you have to answer untruthfully, let them know it was a moment of weakness just for fun and acknowledge it was wrong ... Or, it opens the door for you to let it all out and get df'd.

  • Simon

    Just lie and then it's your word against someone elses.

    If they push you then re-enact the scene from A Few Good Men:

    "It doesn't matter what you know, it only matters what you can prove !" (bang your fist on the desk for effect)

    Whatever happens, good luck - just remember they have no right to be doing it.

  • Oubliette

    Cognac, so your hubby turned you in to the elders. Nothing says "CULT" like ratting on a family member.

  • KateWild


    I have been reading all your posts. Your story seems very typical and stressful. I think WT has a lot to answer for all you did was go out and have some fun with the kids. You are handling it well. I suppose it is a relief to be found out then you can really be yourself.

    If you get invited to a JC will you go or let them DF you without you there? They may just reprove you though.

    Thanks for keeping us informed, it's healing to know we are not alone in our experiences.

    Kate xx

  • Divergent

    Play it cool. And remember, this could turn out to be a blessing in disguise

  • cognac

    Thank you everyone. I'm not sure if I would go or not to an elders meeting. Probably not but nothing is definite.

    To answer Flippers question, my father is an elder but doubt he could or would impact anything.

    Simon - I've decided not to lie. My kids are 3 and 5 and there will be tons of holidays and birthdays I will be participating in so don't want to be caught lying as if I have something to be ashamed of. I may tell them it's none of their business, but that's as far as I'm willing to go.

  • AlwaysBusy

    Cognac ~ I've been df'd, and my advice to you is, don't go that route, if you can help it. Just leave, if that's what you want to do. But if your JC is anything like mine, you'll be demonized by the JWs for the rest of your life. ANd it hurts, if that's all you've ever known.

    Anyway, Take Care,


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