Got ratted out for celebrating Halloween...

by cognac 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Zoos

    Simon: Just lie and then it's your word against someone elses.

    Sucky advice sucks!

    Cognac, don't diminish yourself by lying.

    (Curious to see if I get disfellowshipped and shunned for speaking out against the leadership of this site.)

  • Blackfalcon98

    @Zoo, Simon is probably discussing whether to convene a JC right now! jk lol

  • truthseekeriam

    Just live your life, your kids are what matter. The sooner they get to live a normal childhood the better.

    We didnt leave until mine were I their early teens and while they are enjoying their new lives the JW childhood has negatively effected them each in their own ways.

  • Simon

    Curious to see if I get disfellowshipped and shunned for speaking out against the leadership of this site.

    What a rediculous comment.

    Seriously, would someone accept losing their family over a small lie to people who have no right to interfere in the first place and who have done nothing but repeat lies to you and your family all their lives? Why on earth risk you and your childrens future wellbeing and potentially being dragged into a cult over simply saying "no" over whether you celebrated halloween or not.

    There are times to take a big stand but I don't think this is it. I think the best thing to do is whatever gives the best outcome for you and your family. Other people's sensitivities and irrelevant moralising be damned.

  • Simon

    Simon - I've decided not to lie. My kids are 3 and 5 and there will be tons of holidays and birthdays I will be participating in so don't want to be caught lying as if I have something to be ashamed of. I may tell them it's none of their business, but that's as far as I'm willing to go.

    I appreciate the intent, I really do. But you are not dealing with "fair" people. If you say "none of your business" then that is the same to them as saying "no" and them not being able to prove otherwise, probably worse in fact because now you are directly challenging their authority instead of just denying a minor infraction of no real consequence.

    Of course it depends on the individual elders but be careful of imagining that anything about the process will be at all fair to you.

  • punkofnice

    Take heart C.

    Here is what I faced....

  • Blackfalcon98

    I will be checking this out @punkofnice

  • HeyThere

    @punk sheesh they are obnoxious!

    I will never face that as I will never be baptized. You did well in giving them slack jaw!!!

    So, question from your experience...When I went to the meeting I was love bombed, invited to gatherings, etc. But many of them know I am not in agreement with the religion and stopped studying and meetings. Why would they lovebomb? Do they not care, or is it out of respect for my uber dub husband? Or do they really think it will change my mind? It was...interesting.

  • HeyThere

    I will be celebrating Christmas this year again. Last year my child and I went to a church for their Christmas eve service. It was nice. Halloween isn't so easy (i have never been big on holidays, but thanksgiving and Christmas I have celebrated for years.

  • punkofnice

    Hey There - Why would they lovebomb?

    They want to persuade you to join up.

    Do they not care, or is it out of respect for my uber dub husband?

    Difficult to say. It depends on the individuals.

    Or do they really think it will change my mind?

    Yup....and if you are a non JW they might be counting time(tm) on their report slip for talking to you. This way they can buy favour with the org.

    BF98 - Thanks

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