Name the GOOD things and NICE things about Jehovah's Witnesses

by stuckinarut2 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sparrowdown

    Honestly stuck I have gone around and around that little mulberry bush

    in my mind several thousand times over and cannot come up with

    anything would justify staying.

    They are at worst dishonest and at best delusional.

  • Ucantnome

    we were Jehovah's witnesses for many years,and like most others i believe, we tried to be honest and have good morals and serve God to the best of our ability

  • punkofnice

    I played lots of Jenga when I was a JW.

  • bigmac

    their suits

  • punkofnice

    I felt great when a meeting ended. Not because I felt 'upbuilt(tm)' but because the 2 hours of torture was over.

  • naazira

    They walk a lot, they have good public speaking skills, they read a lot- which would make them excellent college students, if they supported higher education, good grooming, good at following orders, giving when it comes to watchtower events.

    It's ok to be bitter, everyones been there and a lot of us are still there. We progress in stages.

  • Phizzy

    The only good and nice things that I remember came from individual JW's who were good and nice people.

    The Org itself supplied only things that benefitted them.

  • nowwhat?

    When someone dies the whole congregation shows up for the funeral. But thats it.

  • millie210

    I love the people (what are called here "the rank and file").

    The higher up you go the worse the qualities exhibited however.

    But the average JW family features a very harassed Dad who is trying to make a living honestly and modestly while being quilted if he even things about staying home a week night or away from service on a weekend.

    Then there is the mom....she is practically husbandless at meetings and assemblies if her husband is "reaching out" and looked down on by others if he is not. She is constantly struggling to raise wholesome happy children while trying to limit them from all the activities the leadership has deemed "wrong" (girls/boys scouts, birthday parties, sports, holidays etc) which causes her to have to work really hard to seek out alternative play for her children or to just give up (some just give up).

    Then there are the relationships with grandparents and other family members who are not JW's. The mom again has to suppress her instinctual mothering ability and legislate the relationship her family is "allowed" to have with her children, leading to endless negotiating and judging on her part of the very people who raised her but have not accepted the Governing Body's standards for living.

    And last you have the children. At best they are raised to constantly judge each situation as being one of a test of their integrity. They know that Jehovah only likes certain people and that even a small child can "disappoint him" or make his "heart glad". This awareness is a constant weight for a child to carry, feeling euphoric when they don't eat the birthday cake at school and horribly guilty for any number of reasons when they fail to be "vigilant" in every situation. This leads to a chronic low lying anxiety that anyone raised as a Witness can attest to.

    And these are the more normal witness families!

    The worst case scenario is where you get in to pedophilia hidden and so on.

    So yes, I love the average Witness. I can love them and pity them at the same time.

  • crazyhorse

    Haha funny comments.

    Most JWs are typical nice people. They are nice because they have to protect the image of the organization. There are truly true christians in the org. And yes the higher you go, the less Christian you become.

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