Name the GOOD things and NICE things about Jehovah's Witnesses

by stuckinarut2 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stuckinarut2

    OK, so in the interests of balance....(as it has rightly been pointed out that I am getting more bitter toward the org), can we think of any POSITIVE or nice things about Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Just throwing this topic out there......

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    There are many sincere and reverent JW's who truly love their God, Jehovah.

  • Ocean1111

    JWs are basic people, so they have the same qualities. I just say this to not project focus on JWs, when Bethel is the one who has corrupted JWs with the Bethel elite mindset.

    I have a lot of JW friends, but also "worldly friends" I always felt JWs were verging on an elitism and selling it as a spiritual separation. But in reality Bethel is as much a part of the corporate sell out world as any big bank, and really they are the basic "apostate" in this whole development, go figure; the rest is just distraction and smoke-n-mirrors via Bethel's expert con men.

    I want to say this because JWs are misled, yes partly to blame, but they are going to be BIG victims of Bethel, and will need help to understand what really was going on when the smoke finally clears when Bethel truly goes down. So imo we should not blame the poor average Joe JW who is being duped for as much milk and blood as Bethel can suck them dry for. And in time, imo, JWs will take the brunt of the blame that is actually Bethel that does the main crime and promotion of it. JWs will be the last victim when this food chain completes, and it will be somewhat perpetual. The Bethel elites will simply melt into the system and spend the billions.

    Its the "sheep and the scapegoats", as JWs get to be both in time.

    In my experience "strong JWs" ask me to leave, and shun me as they are hyper-holy and self-justified, imo. "weak JWs" are open minded and more loving and reasonable. I avoid "strong JWs" because they are the real apostates, they don't shun me, or turn that gun on me, they are the ones condoning lawless Bethel apostasy. I find weak JWs to be more spiritual in actual discernment.

    Day has become night in JWs, war is peace, bad is good and so on. Very interesting transformation imo. The story is far from over.

  • JWdaughter

    There are some nice folks in the org. Deluded, but still, they are nice.

    They save a lot at Christmastime and their kids have no illusions about bunnies laying eggs on plastic grass.

    They support their local coffee shops!(unless they just sit there and eat their snacks from home, but I only knew one sister who did that)

  • ShirleyW

    Good and Nice things about the JWs











  • wannabefree

    They have mastered the art of mind control. Members can live anywhere in the world among the general population and still be completely controlled by the spiritual leadership of a handful of men who gather once a week to decide what the group can believe.

  • Crazyguy

    Actually no. I mean yeah you can say nice people but you can find those anywhere. I don't mean to be rude but really their self absorbed, arrogant, ignorant, judgemental, mental, and for the most part give nothing back to mankind. This religion is a complete waist and everyone in it is just wasting away their lives. Its really sad and I was one of them.

  • Balaamsass2

    They are Child Molesters.

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    They are... punctual. Their meetings always start on time, and usually end on time.

    They know how to arrange and stack chairs.

    They also really know how to make the most of 1950 clothing styles and fashion.

  • sparrowdown

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