New JW Podcast Show - Amazing Interview with Irwin Zalkin!

by God_Delusion 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    Please see this topic from Simon :

    forum /announcements BTTT / Marked topics

    Though this one does deserve to be kept @TT

  • Vidiot

    cultBgone - "Listening to this now...what arrogance these b*stards demonstrated in refusing court orders!"

    I mentioned this in another thread, but when Zalkin disclosed that, the first thing I thought was, "jeezus, are they crazy, or just plain stoopid?"

    I had to rewind and listen to it again just to make sure I'd heard it right.


    I've said on a couple occasions that, in the case of institutionalized child abuse, the public may very well increasingly expect the Legal System to make an example/object lesson of someone whose noncompliance has become egregious.

    More and more, the WTS seem to be turning themselves into the perfect candidate (they have no influential "friends in high places" to intervene on their behalf, after all)...


    ...I'm almost starting to wonder if the Society's been deliberately pushing the envelope and/or drawing a line in the sand just 'cause they think the resultant "persecution" will kickstart the Great Tribulation, or something (that idea goes back to Jaracz).

  • BU2B

    Amazing interview! 5 stars. A must listen.

  • Naoscillator

    Now if we could just get it piped into a few Kingdom Halls...

  • flipper

    VIDIOT- I was thinking the same thing after listening to Zalkin's interview- " are they crazy , or just plain stupid " - I believe it's both. But then again I think the WT leaders are also sociopaths who KNOW that by delaying things they might play the " persecution " card or angle with rank & file JW's kinda like Rutherford did in 1918 getting thrown into prison then justifying it to the JW's back then. These cats may be smarter than we think, but still just as arrogant

  • Vidiot

    flipper - "...kinda like Rutherford..."

    That thought had occurred to me, too, but this has the potential to turn around and bite 'em far worse.

    As "WTF-were-they-thinking" moments go, drawing a line in the sand on the pedo problem is way more risky than any of the crazy over-the-top rhetoric the Judge pulled out of his drunk ass.

  • Londo111

    Awesome interview! Jawdropping what Irwin Zalkin had to say.

  • redvip2000

    I still have a hard time understanding how they were allowed to simply not comply with several court orders to release records. I have never, ever, heard of such a thing without some sort of severe punishment. I mean not to long ago, Yahoo refused to hand over some data related to a court case and it was imposed a $250,000 fine for every day it refused to hand over the data. I'm pretty sure even the arrogant pricks at the Watchtower would hand it over if they had heavy sanctions handed to them.

  • wannabefree

    I still have a hard time understanding how they were allowed to simply not comply with several court orders to release records. I have never, ever, heard of such a thing without some sort of severe punishment.

    Not a legal person, so I really don't know, but i would assume it has something to do with the fact that it is a civil case and not criminal.


    Civil contempt of court refers to behavior which disobeys the authority of a court in a civil proceeding. Civil contempt is distinct from criminal contempt of court. Most often, civil contempt of court involves failure to satisfy a court order. Generally, sanction for civil contempt end when the party in contempt complies with the court order, or the underlying case resolves. Civil contempt can result in punishment including jail time and/or a fine.

    I assume the comtempt punishment applied in this case was not allowing Watchtower to defend themselves.

  • Splash

    My prediction as to how the WT will adjust their teachings in response to the mounting cases they are having to defend.

    1. New instructions to report all allegations of abuse to the authorities

    2. Maintain the 2 witness rule for all internal procedures

    3. If someone is convicted as a result of 1. then df them as well

    This is how to have your cake and eat it.


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