BTTT / Marked topics

by Simon 32 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Simon

    I've noticed a lot of topics being bumped recently with "BTTT" (back to the top) comments or "Marked" as the reply.

    I'd appreciate if people think twice before doing this. Simply forcing topics back to the top even though there is nothing to say on them is not helpful and negates the usefulness of having an Active Topics view. If everyone did this with every topic they want to push then things would quickly deteriorate so I don't believe some should be allowed to do it for whatever reason.

    By all means post new and relevent comments to a topic but short esp single-word non-comments that are simply used to push certain topics back to the top are likely to be interpreted as spam and removed or blocked if necessary.

  • Splash


  • Skinnedsheep


  • LostGeneration

    Ohhh you guys...

  • free @ last
    free @ last


  • flipper

    SIMON- I have been doing this , yet with good reason. If it's about topics such as child abuse dealing with and exposing WT Society criminal liability - I don't see HOW this falls into the category of being " not helpful and negates the usefulness of having an Active Topics view. " As you might have noticed I HAVE made many useful comments on these threads and by bumping these child abuse threads to the top- doesn't it encourage more folks to comment on these urgent topics ?

    I'm not as tech savvy as you and others here so I do not fully understand HOW bumping these up makes them interpreted as " spam " and why they would need to be " removed or blocked as necessary ". I'm not being smart alec or trying to be sarcastic - I'm just being honest as I really don't understand. I'd like to know. Please inform me and perhaps others regarding how this works and from now on I'll post " new and relevant comments " every single time I post. Thanks for giving some clarity to this, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • truthseekeriam

    Oops I did the same.

    Someone was asking about the kingdom news 37 regarding the JW's taking about the Catholic abuse scandal so I did a quick search and bumped a thread about It.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I admit it. I didn't have the balls to BTTT this topic. I thought Flipper's bumps today were very important and were very helpful in my forming a link page of JW sex abuse cases for my wife to stumble upon. Thanks, Flipper.

  • flipper

    ON THE WAY OUT- You are welcome my friend.

    SIMON- I have to go to work now all night long out west here- so I'll have to check your response out tomorrow. Sincerely, I am really curious. Peace out, have a good day. Mr. Flipper

  • Simon

    This is a discussion forum. It's intended for discussion. When the last half dozen replies to a topic are from the same person simply trying to force it back to the top then it is not a discussion.

    As I said, if everyone did it with topics they wanted to get the most exposure then things would quickly become unworkable.

    Its no reflection on how worthy a topic is - but once a topic has been discussed it naturally drops down. Things can't stay at the top forever more however important we may think they are.

    The topics are searchable and show up in search results so do get exposure. If people have genuine comments to make then they can be made but its unrealistic to imagine that discussion or interest in a topic can be forced on people.

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