Meeting for not paying assembly fees???!!!!

by Kool Jo 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • sporece

    What can they do? NOTHING!!!

    They are good in making people feel like shit for not contributing and not giving to " God's appointed men"

    Wish they would continue to get sued for millions and millions of dollars.

  • cultBgone

    Kool Jo, glad to hear that your dad is in the early stages of waking up. That feeling that "something is wrong" is usually what starts the ball rolling, so let's all hope that he keeps making progress...with YOUR help, of course!

  • Scully

    What really bugs me about this story is that the Assembly Hall™ construction was originally funded by donations from the Congregations™ to purchase the land, and the WTS likely offered a mortgage to the collective users of the Assembly Hall™. Once the loan was repaid, the WTS charges user fees/rent to the Congregations™. The building itself has probably been paid for multiple times, with the WTS soaking up the profits on the backs of JWs who can't fathom the thought that they are being bilked out of millions of dollars.

    They bought it. They paid for it. The WTS collects the cash, and guess who is going to get the money from the sale of the property? It ain't going back to the folks who paid for it with their own money and labour, that's for sure.

  • Vidiot

    Kool Jo - "I could see he was bothered and flatly mentioned that he feels something is wrong, but can’t pinpoint it…"

    That takes me back.

    I count myself lucky I listened to that annoying little voice and made an effort to pinpoint it...


    I could see he was bothered and flatly mentioned that he feels something is wrong, but can’t pinpoint it..

    .........................JWs ARE BEING ROBBED BY THE..




  • Oubliette

    FTS, yeah, I also thought about the account of the money changers, but they were NOT his disciples.

    Jesus was allegedly quite direct with anyone that he thought was a hypocrite, but not with his disciples; at least according to the Bible. (Which, by the way, I don't personally believe.)

  • Crazyguy

    I wonder why their selling off the Assembly halls, are they planning on building a new one? If they go back to rented halls it will become much harder for them to defraud the congregations, since elders and other will know the exact costs involved...

  • LisaRose

    When I joined this religion in 1968 they were very proud of the fact that they never passed the plate for collections and didn't ask for donations in any way, no pledge drives, no monthly commitments, not like Chrisendom.

    So what difference is there now between them and any other religion? They are worse, as churches I have been to never say that anyone is obligated for a certain amount. How long before they start sending bills out? It's disgusting.

  • Quarterback

    Somehow we've managed to shift our focuss towards Buildings, and the Internet. Now we have a TV studio, and all of this is based on Jehovah's willing them. CO's are not supposed to get involved in money. But, this has changed all of a sudden.

    What needs to happen, is everyone has to smile at those meetings, and don't sweat it. Let their collection speeches go in one ear and out the other. Walk away from the meeting smiling. It's about time that the WT felt money pressure downsized.

  • oppostate

    If it's just one congregation they could do away with the whole body and replace them with more loyal hounding-hounders, even sending some stern company man who'll whip everyone into paying their dues.

    Getting rid of a whole elder body has been done before if there's a pattern of non-compliance with Momma WT's rules. If one of the former elders is kept, this shows clearly that loyalty (a$$-ki$$ing) the Borganization is clearly what they want in appointed men.

    It will definitely send a message to other near-by congregations not to step out of line.

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