Are you afraid something horrible will happen to you now you have left the Wt.

by Still Totally ADD 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • GoneAwol

    Me and wifey really thought life would be crap once we left. Business would go downhil, kids would be ill again, marriage would end etc. All because jayhoorah was not giving us blessings.

    Almost superstitious in a way. But in reality, life got better and better and better. As the mind lets go of all the sordid lies of the 'org', you replace them with ways to move forward, to better yourself and your family.

    Ironically, we became the people we always said we were in the 'borg', helpful, empathetic, loving. More rounded in a 'human' way.

    Dont worry about the kind of person you will end up being. Enjoy the journey. You have been in a mind controlling cult. Therefore you are unique, and you have a unique insight into life that the 'normal' person doesnt have. You can give far more than you may realise.


  • blondie

    Not all, worse things happened when I was associated.

  • NewYork44M

    It seems like the lifetime of drinking the Kool-Aid of JW.ORG has not flushed through your system. It will, just give it time.

    I am not afraid - just the opposite. If you look at my profile you will see that I quoted a line from a John Lennon song: "Every day in every way is getting better and better." I don't cherish the idea of growing older, but I love the expectation of the future.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    No. I live with less fear now then when I was a witness. I no longer see the entire world as a cesspool of evil that I need to be protected from.

  • bigmac

    i met cantleave and punkofnice and lived to tell the tale.

  • Crazyguy

    I was blessed.

  • steve2

    Something more profound than "horrible" happened to me when I left, despite local elders' dire predictions:

    I not only survived against the odds, but prospered...oh, and I had - and have - the audacity to lead a completely fulfiling life. It would only be Witnesses who would describe this as truly "horrible".

    Perspective is everything, I guess.

  • clarity

    I was so impressed when I started 'studying'

    all those years ago.........I learned that the jw's

    were not superstitious..."truth will set you free"

    they said!... hahahahahhahahahahhahahahha!

    Then they tell you that demons lurk in old clothes,

    and old furniture and old houses...........omg!

    Never met a more crazy people!


    Not too long ago an elder shook his finger at me

    with a quiverry loud voice croaked "you will have

    a horrible life!!!!!!!" ......more stupourstition !

    No bloody wonder this borg is full of very

    disturbed people. How could jw's not be afraid,

    stumbling around believing such detrimental

    garbage! And no, something terrible did happen,

    it took me sooo long to get out!


  • DesirousOfChange

    When you first learned about TTATT did you fear something bad would happen to you?

    Interesting question.

    I suppose it comes from the fact that this crap is drummed into a persons head from childhood, but when our "fade" began any time there was something negative happen, the question did go through my mind if it was because we "had lost Jehovah's blessing".

    If only you sit back and consider all the bad things that happened to you or other JWs when they were doing everything they could FOR the Organization.

    What about the Pioneers that had their car breakdown?

    What about the Elders that couldn't find a job?

    What about the bus taking JWs to the Convention that had an accident and many died?

    What about the elderly JW couple, long time Elder, both faithful for decades, who were killed driving home from the Circuit Assembly on icy roads?

    I sometimes wondered if those unfortunate JWs were carrying on "secret sins" that had caused them to "lose Jehovah's blessing".

    I guess it's part of the "mind control".

    (Oh I forgot -- All those bad things were caused by Satan!)



    No, and here's why. If God/Jesus is real, I would rather stand before them as a "doubter" than a religious charlatan/Pedo protector.


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