NEWS : New developments in the London Bethel relocation story

by raymond frantz 25 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • JeffT

    who pays for the environmental cleanup of that site? I don't know how it works in the UK, in the US that would be a pile of money. I would guess there's fifty thousand cubic yards of contaminated dirt on that site. Plus all the cars etc.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    who pays for the environmental cleanup of that site?

    The environmental toxicity is far less dangerous than the 'spiritual' toxicity soon to inhabit the same plot of land.

  • steve2

    Well, if I had property in the same location as the vehicle wreckers yard, I'd be laying out the red carpet to welcome the squeaky clean new development by the Witnesses! This will not harm property values, and in fact may increase them. This really sends a vital message: No way does the organization think the end is near. A double-edge sword, as they say.


    The real question is this:

    Why move from the city to the boondocks?!?! The trend is selling high-dollar property in cities, and then moving away. WHY?? A normal real estate flipping corporation would buy other properties IN THE CITY, and repeat the process. This is SOP, free labor makes it even more profitable!!

    Again, why move AWAY from the cities? From working with property owners, I have learned one reason this is done. When you have connections, you know what the municipalities are planning 10-20 years down the road. Knowledge is power. You purchase land and wait. With a free labor force, you purchase land, develop it and wait. It's similar to insider trading, but I don't think it's illegal to be in the know.

    I see it as a combination of 2 factors:

    1) The WTBTS knows the END is NOT coming.

    2) They expect persecution from Pedo cases.

    IMO, they are planning for the worst. They KNOW how the legal system works and how long it takes for "justice" to be served. They are heading for the hills. If NOTHING happens as far a persecution from GOG of Magog is concerned, great!! They still make shit-load of $$$!!


  • JWdaughter

    The money guys probably resent how much they have to play at the bit about being a religious organization. I imagine it slows develpment problems to some degree. If they just rid themselves of all pretense of religion and started turning properties. . . they might do better for JWs then all their stupid religious values do. Give them some real jobs, let them share in the profits. But they started this game and now they have to play by the rules they bound themselves with. Too bad they have to bother at web development and printing presses. Obviously, that is just a vehicle for making money. But who is enjoying it all? Still wondering.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    Somebody somewhere is making a lot of money.In any case they use people as free labour.

  • Crazyguy

    Would this not be part of a bigger plan to sell off all WT properties and buy new places to build putting these new properties under the name of a different Corporation as to keep the money or property from falling in to the hands of Child molestation victims???

  • steve2

    To put this in a fuller "business" context, corporations globally are acquiring less cost-draining land holdings, with the classic example of moving production offshore to places such as China and Bangladesh. Even tax-exempt ventures attract much larger compliance costs in metropolitan areas compared to less populated regions.

    Hence, the move from big city centres to rural holdings makes complete sense from a business profitability point of view or, to phrase it more delicately, to ensure donors' contributions go further. I see nothing sinister in the organization's moving into rural property. It is predictable.

    Of course, the obscene profits from selling its metropolitan goldmines and continuing to hold out its "empty" hands for more, more, more, is a somewhat related topic upon which I have less than flattering views.

  • JeffT

    <---------------- has considerable experience in real estate investment

    I think its simple. They're selling expensive properties in the cities and buying cheap properties in the country. Then they invest the difference.

    Selling currently owned property and buying new property does not hide anything from lawyers trying to collect on lawsuits. The only way to escape that would be to disolve the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and disband the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • dozy

    515K seems rather a lot to pay for the Woodstock motel. It was for sale by auction guide price 250K - 300K.

    I spoke to one of the Bethel big wigs involved in the purchase & he said it is basically a dump & the WTBTS are seriously thinking of knocking it down & rebuilding. He felt they overpaid by at least 100K but they were really keen to secure the site because of the proximity to the new Bethel. He was vague on their long term plans following the Bethel build. Maybe they will refurbish it & flip it or use it as a accommodation block for future visitors to the Bethel. By all accounts it was pretty run down. Reading some of the reviews on Trip Advisor before it was closed , it was described as a cross between Fawlty Towers & the Bates Motel.

    We stayed as a family in 4 rooms in June and it is without doubt the worst hotel I have ever stayed in. The only highlight was the light in our room actually worked unlike the other three rooms. The sinks had no hot water. Our shower, well I wouldn't wash a pet in there. Stains all over the room and no safety features at all. This place cannot be legal and I strongly advise you never stay there, unless it's knocked down and rebuilt. For pictures of the hotel watch the film Physco as it looks like the Bates motel. Terrible!

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