Life is short and I'm gonna love it thread!

by poopsiecakes 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Learning new things.

    I realised what that feeling was when I look up at the stars, see a mountain vista, watch the ocean...... In the presence of such apparent infinity we appear so very finite. The subconscious triggers fear, awe and motivation all at once. Time is precious.

    I know I will die with questions about the universe that will never be answered. We will possibly know those answers some day and we will all be gone. This post may remain somewhere but we will not.

    This all motivates me to learn as much as I can. I am intrigued by the questions and get excited by the answers.

    Geek basically!

  • cultBgone

    Although the thought of watching the cartoons in Ucantnome's underwear sounds like fun...I like to garden and see beautiful plants grow. I'm also re-reading lots of books from past decades that I never had time for or "shouldn't" have read because they were (oh, no!) "worldly". Then there is craft beer...grandkids...and being at peace every day. And I am particularly fond of sleeping in on the weekends...not that I do, but knowing that I CAN. Lovely.

  • Xanthippe

    Framing beauty in a lens, I love that too Poopsiecakes. Travel excites me, it fills me with energy even though sometimes it frightens me too. New places, vibrant cities, beautiful landscapes, diffferent cultures. I agree life is short and there are so many places on my bucket list. Finding cheap ways to travel is fun. Wasted too much time in a cult and the world is out there.

    Also creativity. I've started painting again in my garden this summer, in watercolour, which I've always struggled with. Perhaps I'm finally getting the hang of it.

  • poopsiecakes

    Thanks so much for all the great replies!

    So far we have:

    playing music with friends
    drinking beer & cartoons
    learning something new
    satire (thanks, Honesty)
    learning about yourself
    making body butter (love this)
    guitar playing and riffing
    geeking out with science
    picturing people in their underwear

    My goodness, we're a diverse and cool crowd. Let's keep this going!

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I've alway had an amateur interest in languages, with the Germanic languages and Old English in particular.

    I also love natural history - I'm studying animal biology at uni.

    I love red wine and cider, but not in the same glass.

  • Ucantnome

    What makes you happy?

    some single malt whiskeys, colour, shapes, my kids, women, music, the seasons. occasionally i lose myself in colouring in, but it takes a while

    i used to run miles and i thought there was some sort of natural high that i would get some sort of barrier that i would break through and it be easier but it never happened. it did with art.

  • Hairtrigger

    Rye Whisky, gambling on horses/dogs/ fishing,aviculture,pisciculture,gardening,reading, , fixing things ,cooking(sometimes) are a few that come off the top of my head.

  • Hairtrigger

    Oh Yeah. shooting my .357, 9mm, rifle and shotgun. Don't hunt. Hate killing animals and birds or anything for that matter. Pedophiles in the JW club Im not so sure about!!

  • Heaven

    poopsie... love your emoticon guys!

    Right now I am so tied up with getting my Dad's properties cleaned out so they can be sold off I have very little time for anything else but work and that. This is iteration 3 in my life of cleaning out his properties. (I believe the WTS caused my parents to become "do-nothing" people.)

    What I love to do is:

    - ride horses

    - draw, paint, craft

    - learn new things, especially anything crafty

    - gardening and Permaculture

    - cooking and baking

    - writing

    - listen to music

    - sing and dance, especially when no one else is around to hear me or see me

    - helping others

    - dark rum and coke with lime (which is givin' me ideas here... )

  • MissFit

    I like to crochet, make my own windchimes.

    and read.

    Poopsie, I might start adding picturing people in their underwear to my list.

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