by sparrowdown 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • quellycatface


    Let's donate him a one way ticket to Damascus.

  • LoveUniHateExams


    A prime example of JWs showing their true colours. I'm not religious, but even I can see that this is a far cry from Jesus' message of love, compassion and forgiveness.

    If people like this person don't like the West, they're free to leave.

    I'll even help pay for a one-way ticket.

  • cultBgone

    LUHE - once upon a time, the jdubs actually held Jesus in esteem, but no longer...he exists in their limited minds only to show how wonderful! is their false god Jehovah.

    Just another reason why this is a CULT and not a religion in any sense.

    And they have some really scary cult personas...

  • ScenicViewer

    Who in the world says "those ones?"

    People who have been programmed by cult like thinking, that's who.

    He thinks that cutting off peoples heads is happifying to God!

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Hi cultBgone. I gotta admit the congregation I was in was largely made up of decent people.

    However, there were some with 'scary cult personas'.

    My mother could never quit smoking. I had an elder say to me: 'maybe you should give up witnessing to your mum, she's still smoking, she hasn't fully accepted the message, she might not make it'. Translation into plain English: our loving God Jehovah will very soon kill your mother because she smokes.

    I was a true believer, 16 years old at the time.

  • silent

    What were the 2 greatest commandments Jesus said? Love Jehovah your God with your whole heart, soul, strength, and mind. 2nd was to love your neighbor as yourself. How does killing in the name of religion play into those commandments and fulfill those requirements? The Judge and Executioner is Jesus Christ and when he returns, he will take care of things. He doesn't need any human, right or wrong, to do his dirty work for him.

    Stupid humans.

  • ScenicViewer

    Of course the same Muslims that behead alduterers, etc, would also behead Jehovah's Witnesses for being infidels.

    There are no Jehovah's Witnesses in Afghanistan or Somalia, both Muslim countries.

  • HeyThere

    When I was with my friend at the hospital, some of my witness family came to visit. As soon as they started with the "wicked system of things" talk I pulled them out. My friend was so not caring to hear that mess, coupled with "Hopefully Jehovah will keep her in his memory" crap. Having the resurrection tracts on standby. Some witnesses just don't realize how inappropriate and crazy their behavior is.

  • Vidiot

    ScenicViewer - "Of course the same Muslims that behead alduterers, etc, would also behead Jehovah's Witnesses for being infidels."

    To a hard-core religious loyalist, irony is not a thing.

  • Zoos

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