Slip Sliding Away :I went to a 1 day assembly-Why?

by MissFit 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • MissFit

    Steve, I just hope she shows me the same love and acceptance she shows her own sisters.

    Rebel: I am done trying to convert or discovery people. That is what I spent most of my life doing.

    I am done looking over my shoulder, trying to be a good example, or worrying about what others think.

    I have a good idea where I stand with her.

    She has her own life with the JWs.

  • Jaidubdub

    I attended the IC in Melb for pretty much the same reasons. Have been inactive for quite a few years and haven't set foot in a KH since the memorial 2 years ago. But all our relatives were coming to Melb for the IC & a huge family reunion, so I thought I would make an appearance. I also saw friends I haven't seen in years who made the trip to Melb which was good. Deep down inside I know I may never see them again as most don't realise I am still inactive. So far I have managed to fade successfully & avoid being d'fed. I did try to throw in the occasional comment to make them think critically - I saw for the first time the look of confusion on their face. Yep, they are well & truly brainwashed... Very tragic indeed...

  • MissFit

    Jaid: I can relate. I just wanted to keep the door opened. But i don't feel under any obligation to anti witness.

    I am glad you had a chance to catch up with old friends and family.

    I went home feeling lighter because I knew I was not under any obligation to apply anything I heard.

  • MissFit

    Well its been a week since the CA. She was supposed to call so we could by have lunch together. Good thing i wasn't holding my breath.

    I might call and invite her, but I really dont feel like it.It takes too much energy controlling the eye rolls and tongue biting .(mine, not hers lol)

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