In your opinion: What is the average IQ of the Governing Body?

by LogCon 27 Replies latest watchtower bible


    The GB members perfectly illustrate the 'Peter Principle'. They are 'organization men' who have by hook or crook have risen to the level of their incompetence. So now they are creating a cult of personality around themselves in order to feel self-important and cause the rank & file to hang onto their every pronouncement. Of course the average low-IQ Witnesses fall for this charade hook, line and sinker.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    They all have the intellect of mediocre high school students.

  • NewYork44M

    I am not sure what it matters. They are smart enough to know how to get to the top, and dumb enough not to understand that their journey is meaningless.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    A total of 250 divided by 7.

  • b00mslang

    I would be more interested in their respecitve MBTIs.

    I'm thinking they would fall in the ENFJ or ESFJ group.

  • Old Goat
    Old Goat

    A high IQ doesn't mean one holds rational beliefs. On average, I'd say they have an IQ of 140. That is typical of a post graduate student. Most of them are autodidacts, self-taught. I don't think the issue is their IQ. The issue is the framework within which they work and reason.

  • Phizzy

    " The issue is the framework within which they work and reason." exactly, Old Goat.

    Admittedly these guys are poorly educated, and to compound that, their self-teaching does not consist of consulting experts in the fields of study they are, or should be, interested in, they only consider previous W.T piffle, or what the Writing Dept puts in front of them.

    They have lived their lives in a bubble of ignorance, and do not make any effort to burst it.

    To quote 3rdgen, they " are impressed with themselves, and what they THINK they know".

  • punkofnice

    Does it mean anything? They are of the tin foil hat brigade anyway.

  • Honesty

    About the same as the outside temperature this morning.

  • hoser

    It doesn't matter what their IQ is because 1 corinthians says that God chose the foolish things of the world to put the wise men to shame........

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