Worker falls from KH roof during quick build

by piztjw 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • piztjw

    He fell off the roof at Falls City?

    I know, I started laughing pretty hard when I heard, and everyone around assumed I thought it was funny the guy got hurt. Typical of JW's though I guess, ASSUMIMG something that is not true.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    When I was at Bethel in the early 90's we were working on the Jersey assembly hall while waiting for 90 Sands to start. I am extremely afraid of hights, I just am, I have been my whole life. So my overseer wants me go out on scaffording three stories high. I was so scarred and I told my overseer I am really freaked out over heights. My overseer was sooooo MAD at me and asked why I even brothered to come to Bethel if I was not willing to work. So I really tried to put aside my fears and climbed out on the scaffording, I tried not to look down which is almost impossible but the boards on the scaffording were so warped that they were wobbling the whole time and the scaffording shaking. I just froze in frear gripped the sides of the scaffording and couild not move.

    Talk about being ticked off, my overseer was extremally livid with anger at me. He yelled for me to just come back inside and found something else for me to do. It was hard for me because of my overseers anger and he showed it so clearly. I mean I really wanted to be at Bethel and to be told that I was lazy and only there for the free food and shelter (which my overseer really did say) was hard for me to take.

    I know I did things that were not safe but I felt I had no chose.


  • leaving_quietly

    I hope he's okay.

  • Finkelstein

    Deuteronomy 22:8

    8 If you build a new house, make a railing around your roof, so that you don’t bring bloodguilt on your house if someone falls from it.


    So the 3000 year old ancient Hebrews were actually smarter than the men/people living today.

    Now thats funny.

    There was a incident recently up here British Colombia where a crane fell onto one worker impaling him during a Assembly Hall build.

    I'm surprised that there isn't more injuries on these builds since there are so many nonprofessional people working on these construction sites..

  • steve2

    The organization presents an extremely glossy PR picture of kingdom hall quick builds. The reality is far more earthy and problematic.

  • piztjw

    I just heard again through the "grapevine" that the worker landed on his feet, then his butt, then elbows, back and head. I heard one of the onlookers thought he had been killed, but "thankfully after several minutes his eyes started to move, and he asked,'where am I?' " Must have been HS cushioned his fall?

    He supposedly suffered a crushed elbow, which will require surgery. Next word was that he is actually "okay". I was also informed that he was specifically told not to get close to the edge, so it is now going to be his fault. Blame the victim y'know!

    I wonder how much financial burden this guy will incur? He is supposed to be only 22, so I am sure he doesn't have much for medical insurance, and I would imagine that given the impressive show of "love" by the RBC workers slaves in getting him a get well card the bOrg will not be of any help whatsoever!

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