Today's WT study (10/12/14) - a sales seminar!

by OneEyedJoe 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • 88JM

    Yes the whole study was a pile of crap, but I thought the second to last sentance was just plain wrong:

    "The Bible’s message is more powerful than anything we might say to try to reach the heart of another person."

    Really? Even Athiests, agnostics, people of other religions? I really don't think those people would be remotely affected by anything the bible says.

  • Ocean1111


    If it pans out as you say, then we all, who have family that are active JW's, will have to be on hand to help them adapt to the real world.

    I fear that some will not be able to handle the realisation that they have wasted their lives, and that they have been lied to by those they trusted.

    I am really afraid that if the whole thing crumbles then some, from depression brought about by the rug being pulled from under them, will choose to end their lives.

    An elderly, long time JW said to me a while ago, with an air of both sadness and desperation, "But if this religion is not true, what else is there for us ?".

    I agree. Also, I think it indicates that the ultimate sleight of hand and illusion is allowing "religion" and "organization" to eclipse truth, as if it is synonymous. Its not. As if, if the JW org went down no truth would be present, no reason would be left to live, as if all truth was removed from earth! Never have human operations had any truth, for very long, within them, and this is just the same repeating principle where people allow "organization" and "theocratic" rituals to define "truth" for them. The Bible was there long before "the org" and will be there when it is gone and the prophecy does not fail just because the Bethel gangsters have failed.

    The selling of the org as synonymous with truth was gradual, but regularly developed to the idol of hype and presumption it is today. It is just that, hype, presumption and IDOLATRY.

    People start to see the org circus and the GB clowns and FORGET to stay focused on God and Christ. Geez, that is why the Circus ever formed! to distract, and it has met its purpose in JWs, it is all org, org, slave, GB, org, org, JWs, org, org, org, GB, GB, GB, GB, GB, org, org—Jesus Christ?! nope. God? Nope. No God anymore WHATSOEVER right INSIDE the JW ministry, totally is He absent. Can we blame Him? I'd split that circus myself too. And that is what God has also done, bye bye JWs, hello judgment. (1Pet4:17)

    What do we take God for a fool here? Oh man. Poor JWs, poor poor JWs. Reaping the sowing time approaches. FASTEN YOUR SEAT BELTS. And may one not be in the org when it comes. (Matt24:15) We will know when it hits and its going to drag on a bit. (Dan8:14, Hos6:1-3)

    See we can't allow focus to be lost that the prophecies Christ uttered and in many cases he gave indication of, must still manifest further. In fact a Bethel apostasy is just one more requirement of the prophecy!, it must be exposed before the actual arrival of Christ. (2Thess2:1-4) That part of the prophecy is not going to fail, at some point human rulership of earth has to end. But it is not beyond belief the Bethel dolts would fudge it up well before hand. They are just the picture of the Pharisees in modern form, again, Bethel Pharisees v. 3.006, they even out perform Christendom now.

    Thus thinking the prophecy will also fail just because men have failed, as usual, is part of the overall subversion and diversion many religions, not just JWs, are well set up for.

    Yet is all reinforces the very prophecy it attempts to subvert, go figure!

    You know somehow believing this group of guys and gals that got together to teach the Bible to people, that somehow they have become more important than the Bible itself, and somehow that becomes the tenet of supposed believers. Where in the heck do people get so subverted? But it is common, seems to be the way it goes eventually.

    Funny how what JWs used to point out about Israel and the churches, now REPEATS right in front of our faces, but lo and behold does not come up on the JW apostasy and hypocrisy radar, not one blip appears. The JW radar ONLY tracks anything BUT our own abomination, lol, Bethel runs their own apostate radar cloaking device. Since when is God going to bless blatant ridiculous hypocrites just because we hope God didn't notice that little UN NGO orgy?—while JWs are known to have a magnifying glass for everyone else's "straws" and an "accurate knowledge" of what we are SUPPOSED to be awake and doing, too boot. Thus the same old story is merely repeating.

    The bomb of hypocrisy has been wired by JWs themselves and self righteousness lights the fuse, no mater who we are eventually the high horse ride ends—its just we thought JWs new a little better, but nope that is our own fault for assuming that, JWs are just average, dupable Joes. Thus acting like that Governing Body is God's holy council of materialized guardian angels is also JWs own fault, trust people? Get screwed, "Cursed is the able-bodied man who puts his trust in earthling man" (Jer17:5) and that is what will happen to JWs. When God said trust God and Christ ALONE, He meant it, everything else fails.

    If we put faith in the Bethel Titanic, then that is where our faith will be headed, down. And they know this, that is why it is overly prominent in JWs lives, it is some JWs lives and that should not have happened.

    That is the ultimate trick even the Bethel distraction now aids, that somehow a human ministry is more important than truth, than God, than a document transmitted by the picked angels of God (Acys 7:53) telling the future (the Bible), a prophecy becoming history as it unfolds with the overall human rulership folly, a document Christ was the physical spokesmen for, wrapping up that phase. Bethel totally forgot their own real reality, they are NOTHING when they try to compete with God, Christ and truth and the Bible as if they are the same thing. ANd that is what it is "set in opposition" competition.

    Yet that basic Bible we all take for granted, that was their through the days of gladiators and early saints, through the days of knights and ladies as the Roman world faded away, through the era of "new world" explorers, adventurers, the fall of the Aztec empire, to the wild west, from the first gold rush to the volcanic-like eruption of the World Trade Center turning to dust, the Bible has been there the whole time allowing men and group follies to discredit the angelically delivered pronouncements from God Himself that have been coming true the whole time men have been distracted by the various follies and desires of ages past and present. Now the almighty dollar rules, tech toys and every specialization known to human distraction, every possible accessory, and open information at scales never dreamed of in the 1500s.

    Yet the Bible and its prophecy remains true just waiting to unfold further with the global human folly, including Bethel's. Through all those centuries, attempts and failures, the Bible will keep rolling forward, and the truth in it, though subverted by men and groups, is still actually unsubvertible truth, people are distracted by the many speculations, yet it does all mean something. All them angels are real, and still around, don't allow doubt to make one think otherwise. (Heb13:2)

    Thus may we not get distracted by the common distractions, which Bethel by its claims and pomp is the big one.

    So here is my opinion, not pushing this on anyone just offering it as my take on the real overall development at work since the Anglo-American empire has been trying to run the show on one hand, while propping up the League of Nations and UN related world government panacea system on the other.

    See, few notice the national zenith system in the US/UK empire and the UN international government blueprint, have been CO-DEVELOPING the whole time since WW1's end marked it officially. Now even Russia and China, India and many other major national centers, have joined the late-capitalist capitalization of globalization all made official from the time the Cold War ended, now all of them are in the financial markets to the hilt, and accessible from mere cell-phones globally, not to mention more elaborate participation, and that too is unique to post 1990 development. Of course Bethel connects none of this to world government or prophecy.

    So, yet the same prophecy JWs started explaining, before it was derailed, is the same one simmering in the background, as multi-polar world wars (WW1, WW2), formed the bi-polar world of the Cold War , and a final cycle is guaranteed by that evolutionary trend to finally form uni-polarity in sovereign power.

    When things go from multi-polar, to bi-polar, to Anglo-American capitalized, over just 90 years really, they are in a trajectory to uni-polar formation—it too is not just a random consolidation, it is an indicative crystallization of world power, it doesn't just "happen".

    So even though JWs act as if it is 1950 still, over and over again, in fact they have been bypassed by Bethel over the greatest globalization acceleration period of the whole cycle, and they bypassed that significance while bypassing the 3rd UN placement as prophecy. See that "New World Order" globalist pow wow Bethel joined in was a third cycle ending climax marker used in WW1 (1919), and WW2 (1945), so it is not just an insignificant detail. Its UN 1-2-3 (of 4) so far, to JWs it is UN 1-2, end of story. And that is what they want, JWs derailed fully.

    It is just a matter of time, and had Bethel not been hi-jacked, JWs could have explained that obvious process from when the Cold War ended as the "7th King" Anglo-American national alliance nation-state array hit zenith at the same time. But that is not the end, that US/UK zenith also has a fall. The 7th King must fold into the 8th King uni-polar world order, that is where the forecast was leading in a final UN cycle coming up, that JWs could have made, had the dead GB not looked the other way, and took on a UN aiding agenda instead while administering heavy laughing gas and sleeping pills on the JW lobotomy in progress, especially since 1990.

    In reality we were at a post 3rd cycle (1947-1990) that ended with a foretold 3rd UN placement (uncommented on by UN NGO Bethel as Dan11:31b), this is the cusp before the UN fourth cycle yet to activate, that will see the global end of nation-state scale sovereign authority which is also already in the prophecy. JWs have fully missed the meaning of the 3rd UN placement, and of course cannot understand the 4th as world government.

    BUT it takes a multi-year final cycle to complete the real Daniel 11:42-45. Bethel is the 8th King/King North "invasion" of Daniel 11:41, and that is why Bethel bypasses that prophecy, and covers it up with the handy USSR is "King North" mythology.

    Thus it is not for no reason JWs, who connected up the first two UN placements as prophecy (1919, 1945), could not connect the last two UN placements as also prophecy (1990, future), and have been derailed fully since 1990, overrun since 1976 GB coup, and now await, on a sort of spiritual organizational death row, the final coup-de-grace as a corporation and organization, imo. It was crucial to break the JW ministry in spirit first, so no one would see what that 1990 3rd UN presentation cycle ending really means. Just prop up a looping tape, that is what Bethel is, an endless loop of the past. In reality the coming cycle does not mean "the end", it means the final cycle is gearing up for activation, and into that cycle apostate Bethel is planning to send JWs up the river with no paddle and no charts or map to figure it out for themselves enroute to Niagara Falls, the real new "HQ".

    So JW judgment will be 1Pet4:17, and Dan8:13-14, and it will become instead a final cycle commencement signal. So when said "But if this religion is not true, what else is there for us ?". The FAITH (Rev14:12) and the truth still remains, religion only plays a temporary role. The prophecy and Bible are still truth, the UN world government completion, when done (Dan11:45, 8:25) and stated (1Thess5:1-3), is what enables Christ's "drop in". Christianity is what defined JWs, NOT the other way around, and the true tradition of Kingdom of God certainty merely continues to the stated goals in the Bible, so may we pray and read the Bible, the truth is still with God and Christ and they aren't fictitious characters in a meaningless book.

    We just have to run a final cycle and let the 8th King complete their world government mission for a while, the "one hour" of Revelation 17:12. And yes, JWs in any case are going to need to be given help to keep hope, and understand diverting faith to men and "org", is why faith goes down with those men and "org" when that time comes, and come it will, JWs are now idolatrous, but they can be recovered, it was a sly subversion very slowly applied. (Dan8:12) We just tell JWs to direct faith to where it was supposed to have remained, on God and Christ alone, and God's ability to fulfill His own Word. God does big judgment events with repentance in mind for those putting 2 and 2 together. The Bethel microcosm is just a convenient place to get some global attention from a bad situation, attention to looking closely at prophecy again. Obviously Bethel parrots the Bible, but they only study it for the subversion agenda, not to progress JWs, but to retard them.

    Just get ready for an adventure, but never lose hope or be too distracted by the common ploys of men and the world, it will keep "panting to the end" and it will have to run its full course, there is no short cut, yet at the same time it will arrive, "it will not be late". (Hab2:3), But at the same time God is not sneaking in, He will give full warning, it is JWs He sneaks in on for the judgment. (1Pet4:17, Zech3:1-3)

    The JW downfall, really a temple judgment, was a requirement before "the vision" would fully be realized in that Habakkuk 2:3 prophecy "for the appointed time" is aided by the apostasy being fully exposed where it is: at and in Bethel; Bethel is who is "The Apostate". Thus the delusion "to the effect Jehovah's day is here" at Bethel now defines 2Thess2:1-2, but the apostasy is what must be exposed well before "the day" arrives as per 2Thess2:3-4. and this is why Bethel sells the "it can end tomorrow brothers!" delusion, to dupe JWs further "to the effect Jehovah's day is here". But in reality Bethel must be globally exposed as apostate first to the hilt. It allows a final warning and invitation to go forth free of the Bethel sins and burdens, they just helped reveal the apostasy where it was (is) in final form.

    Bethel is what can "end any day now brothers!", the world system will run its full course, Bethel was just 8th King road kill of Dan8:13 required first "trampling". While JWs are derailed to oblivion, for a time (Dan8:14), the world government boys will just put the pedal to the metal in the final global cycle leaving JWs behind to eat their dust, eventually left scratching their heads wondering what the heck is really going on.

    But that is just my take on this overall development in view of the four global cycles WW1, WW2, the Cold War and the final cycle have to form overall. I know why they want JWs thinking it is a "slam dunk" "end of the world", they can down Bethel and sell it to JWs as "the end", and that forms the perfect exit strategy, JWs will have to figure it out with the GB head lopped off and no Bethel, imo, to whatever degree necessary by God. The GB definitely has to go. How far Bethel is trashed I do not know, it may go down fully, not sure, it aint looking good right now I can tell you that.

  • Listener

    That's no little opinion you've mentioned OceanIIII. Your opening paragraph was excellant.

  • 88JM

    Wow I just realised Jesus wasnt' mentioned at all in this article.

  • OneEyedJoe

    It was NOT a first, there have been similar studies earlier, after new pieces of literature have been issued, including tracts, so I am afraid you have not been paying attention ............

    I was afraid of that. It really is amazing the difference made by perspective. Once you go from "maybe it's the truth" to "it's absolutely a worthless cult" everything looks differnet and the real intent behind their actions becomes so apparent you can't stand it.

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