Today's WT study (10/12/14) - a sales seminar!

by OneEyedJoe 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • skeeter1

    They are a dying cult. They are trying to change tactics. It's desperation. They know they are not getting enough new people to join. I've seen people post on here that there was 1 or 2 baptisms at a convention of over 1,000. And, they were young kids of JWs.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    The attendance at the Sunday meeting has always been higher. So its reasonable for the "Members only WT" to address the "ease" of preaching now to get them back in the "fields ripe for harvesting!" lol So now you see the sales meeting on Sunday here and there I suppose.

  • OneEyedJoe

    WMF - you're absolutely right. Before I woke up, I could make excuses for this sort of thing, or at least ignore it... Now that I KNOW it's all crap, it sticks out like a sore thumb. Even so, I feel sure that this cult has gotten more shameless over the last year or so.

  • WTWizard

    I think the "zionist" or "zion" part is pretty blatant. When I was in the cancer, they made plenty of positive references to "Zion" from the platform or in their rags. Now, anyone with a computer and ten minutes can find out for themselves what that really means. And the slave labor--communism? Anyone else get that connection?

    And yes, it is getting lamer by the year. When I was in, it was still rubbish. But it was rubbish that challenged the intellect. You had 225 songs, with at least a minimal semblance of structure. You had comments in the washtowel that went beyond what was in the paragraph, at least part of the time. Field circus, while a waste of time, varied from month to month. If you didn't like the presentation (say, it was bashing the normal sex drive), you could use the other rag or wait 2 weeks (you might get one against gossip and slander, or anti-smoking). Now, if you get a bad presentation, you are stuck with it for the whole month--and, if they simply leave single page wastes of paper, forever. What if they get a waste of paper that buffs sex hang-ups and I don't wish to bind myself to it?

  • berrygerry

    If you didn't like the presentation (say, it was bashing the normal sex drive), you could use the other rag or wait 2 weeks (you might get one against gossip and slander, or anti-smoking). Now, if you get a bad presentation, you are stuck with it for the whole month--and, if they simply leave single page wastes of paper, forever.

    Good point.

    I distinctly remember a day when APing, placing 16 mags because I believed in the message, and it came across to the HH. Other mags, I said, WTH do I do with this crap.

    With the dumb-downed drivel of today's mags, publishers mumble:

    "Hi, I'm a volunteer ... Please take these, I'll earn a merit badge."

  • Ocean1111

    Apparently the knob of absurdity does turn up to 11. It definitely has amplified especially since the "we are the faithful slave" show of 2012. I think deep in many a JW heart they have to know things are not quite right, even beyond the UN NGO era mess. But it is those who have seen the last couple decades that may see this weird morphology. For those just coming in in the last ten years, or last week, it seems like the Amway and Avon character was the way it always was. Bethel CNN will be normal. In fact it was a gradient to this level of surreal absurdity.

    Ironically it shows signs of "intelligent design" even in the veneer of absurdity. Something else now roams the abandoned halls of Bethel imo, and it aint as dumb as it makes out to be, that is for JWs to assume the character of. Actually both JWs and most JWs critics are both equally subverted, just done in different ways. In th end the same goal is reached. Can that all just be random accident and coincidence? I mean there was a time JWs studied the Bible with modern reality in mind. (c. 1914-1969); There was a time JWs at least read the newspaper.

    In all fairness to at one time sincere Jehovah's witnesess of that former era, I think the GB is the cult epicenter and a cult could not form without their obsession with dictatorial power, and that is when it all went comatose. The GB is what ruined the JW attempted Christian truth movement. Its done. Ironically, complete Bethel corporate implosion would be the best thing now that could happen to JWs to allow them to get freed from the corporate cult of western urban religious empire now surrounding them.

    Its spiritually ruined as it is now. Dead.

  • berrygerry

    Something else now roams the abandoned halls of Bethel imo, and it aint as dumb as it makes out to be, that is for JWs to assume the character of.

    It must have been hard for some to stay in Bethel in the past. How possibly can anyone do so in the present?

  • Ocean1111

    It must have been hard for some to stay in Bethel in the past. How possibly can anyone do so in the present?

    Excuse my short story here, I really have thought a lot about the other possible dots in the JW picture. I really do like your average JW, I just do not like the Bethel elitist camp, I am not talking the average guys and gals at Bethel either, but the corporate spiritual serial killers actually running the place, actually in the authority to stop, change, apologize and make amends, but who continue what they KNOW is harming and stumbling MILLIONS of people. Those guys are not big dummies, they are evil genius—they KNOW what they are doing, they KNOW the global effect their purposeful spiritual malaise is producing. They are not Christian, and they are a faction that has gained control. And that is why even at the top, there may be a few last Christians in the Bethel system. I am not sure, it certainly is not Christians controlling the ministry, in fact it is the opposite.


    I think any system affecting millions of people and even people indirectly affected has effects that we cannot see but only assume. Some are fooled fully, some partially, some not at all, while others remain in denial, or just go for the fun of it, like going to the VFW for a drink. Its probably a more complex mix knowing as well how the guilt and coercion loop works, and the "peer pressure" the JW zombies can apply to others as they display their "theocratic" personality and valorous concern for spiritual hygiene, it starts to get ridiculous. I mean I really empathize and feel sorry for the average JW stuck in this mess, its like watching your family board the Titanic in a surreal nightmare, and somehow you just have to board with them, but close to shore you know you are going to hoist and toss them all over board and swim them back in yourself, but you just need the right opportunity when everyone is whale watching at the same time to get them all at once, time is of the essence.

    So I think some have left internally and remain for various reasons. The worst "reason" is just being fully fooled by the veneer which looks like it seems to have always looked. But now even that veneer is altering in a strange way, as if branded by some Madison Avenue corporate advertising campaign, a spiritual Taco Bell "spiritual food" operation, a well thought out color coordinated sound bit re-branding externalizing what has actually been forming internally the whole time in that " Governing Body" and its shadow cloned second board of directors doing likewise to the legal plumbing of the corporations at trans-national level of alteration. Those clowns don't even wear the same underwear twice, they are twice removed, three times, from JW reality, and JWs think they are just like them, average Joes. But no Virginia JW, them things aint even human, its all appearances and the grand JW delusion empowering it all.

    Many JWs do not know about the second board, though it was officially mentioned. And we are now talking a multi-billion dollar cash cow, this is not Knorr era wealth here, we are talking a BIG score and a true elitist core Bethel sub-culture at the top. The elusive aloof "Watchtower Society" is now their version of a Watchtower "Skull and Bones". The ministerial hierarchy is just a Neo-Papalism slicked up in western corporate dress codes and business attire, but it is at heart the same thing. All the parts of subversion and apostate control, top down, and bottom up, is ALL present in JWs well removed from what was their own billions in aid that is now in the legal spiderweb globally. Imo, JWs will lose most if not all of that. But we shall see, it is not going to just turn out for a short-cut to paradise, I can tell you that, it is a Bethel criminal operation requiring a massive dose of cosmic fate not to mention the "finger of God", it is set up like a disaster and laughing stock waiting to happen, a humble pie picnic, a weird poetic justice.

    Meaning how can all the signals of apostasy and corporate takeover all be flashing at once and it all be just random development and all peaking in strange final form since 2012? Its weird is what it is called.

    So in effect you have a right hand diversion in the GB visual and talking head group, aided by assumed traditions and JW history of the past, while experts in other areas re-circuit the org finances and corporate and ministerial system logistics globally as the sleight of left hand operation, and it is aided by external experts and the score is worth billions of dollars as the end of the JW Ponzi scheme arrives. It has actually expanded exponentially by hard work of JW slaves globally, that turned big donations regularly into million dollar properties globally, and who knows what kind of top level expert guided market investments they have made with this literally endless cash cow as JWs keep showering them with millions of dollars globally.

    I mean they know how to turn 1 JW donated dollar consistently into 10, and they have been doing it fully since 1970 and it has expanded even if the JW percentile numbers consistently declined in appreciable growth percent (now like 2% now, or whatever), the capital core kept expanding in base JW labor and raw wealth resources. They kept expanding the capital system regardless of whether it was really needed, they consistently re-invested cash in things they can valuate with free JW labor—that others can scoop up later, and it is quite a lot of property as but one area they have invested into. They are ripping off JWs blind right in front of them, and JWs fill the bags for them, a lug it all to the get-away car, JWs are that naive, and will keep being that naive even when it implodes duped JWs will aid the corporate raid process for some time.

    The UN NGO is evidence of the kind of internal iceberg developments of which the UN NGO is just the tip, a sort of pilot aberration they flung out in 2001 with the 911 events to see how JWs would react. The weird thing is that UN endorsement phase was never officially addressed by Bethel, so some JWs, due to the nature of the news release timing with 911, imo, do not even know about it. So Bethel is actually cleverly concealing what is the greatest red flag of infiltration and or apostasy to EVER form in this supposed truthful ministry. Most JWs are in a fog of traditions imo.

    Meaning I think some are literally, in worst case scenario, buying the old school JW ministry veneer maintained for that effect floated over actually horrendous anti-Christian activity spawned internally, by intelligent design, from within Bethel. Thus assumption is aiding these fooled ones, and the true corporate tapestry is a billion dollar labyrinth the Bethel corporate elites can engineer with zero external JW interest or curiosity, they can do whatever the heck they want, whenever the heck they want to, and the closed system is the only authority.

    JWs are just the "aphids" in the "master ant" nest to milk, and yet stumble as well, to just maintain a balance that is functional for now, yet the Ponzi scheme already made its asset haul in the last 40 years of duped JW sweat, and the rest is setup for the coming implosions that will develop with broader global financial developments exacerbated by any of the host of new global developments with Iran, ISIS, Ebola and or Russia, and who knows what else to now throw into the mix.

    In other cases some may know it is way off, but feel like "under covers" who merely hang out to observe further developments. I know I did that for a while until a long distance move allowed me to fully fall off the JW radar. But when I could go back I really did consider the UN NGO true severity to even the former JW "rules", not to mention anything claiming loyalty to God's Kingdom, and Matthew 24:15.

    I felt it was actually a well hidden evil operation and it was good advice from Christ to "discern" the meaning of the "disgusting thing" in modern times. I mean if they disfellowship one for a mere smoke, but themselves endorse the 3rd United Nations "New World Order" presentation after the Cold War, and think that is just harmless library access to books publicly available globally anyways, then either stupid or evil men are running this ministry now.

    The more I look into it, the more evil intelligence and design surfaces for which the "Governing Body hypocritical idiots" is just an easy to swallow diversion, it is just an act that well covers the actually billion dollar scoped experts in the organization that have redesigned the whole corporate networking, and that is not idiot dolts who accomplish these things, and it is not some big random development. The goal is shutting down JWs, and better yet, do it from Bethel's own mouth: The ministry is over! Go home! Good bye!

    Thus if even half of that overall reality is there, it is very difficult and painful for JWs to accept the treachery actually at work in the ministry, and so denial is employed to just try to ignore it all as long as possible. I feel though things are going to develop, that at some point in their coup development, will not be deniable and some people will have seen its telltale signs all along. I hope people have not blamed the poor misled and hyper-holy JWs among us too much for what Bethel is truly the culprit bearing most of the responsibility because they could have changed, they know what is going on, they are not that dumb, yet they maintain the course to disaster.

    May we toss JWs a life raft when the time comes, and understand they have been fully duped from the roots of what was once a valid attempt at Christian truth, that did expose the UN world government forming dangers, that did try to celebrate what Jesus Christ himself is really all about, that actually did try to "obey God as ruler rather than men" but that somehow lost focus, accrued astounding wealth, got too comfortable, got too cocky, and got too sleepy, and that attracted in the wolves and vultures, the money loving predators that now control not just the Bethel system and ministry, but even the JW puppet on the streets carrying their will, not God's any longer.

    And yet Israel itself fell into the EXACT SAME pattern, and it equals judgment, it repeats and JWs cannot be that surprised once the dust and flames settle on their beloved golden calf house. I hope we can really lend them a helping hand, because they are going to be hurting and most of it will be from the Bethel treacherous screw job they will have just taken the brunt of and they are going to have a hard time swallowing a pill that big. We will have to crack into pieces for JWs to handle a bit at a time, I think God really will help JWs once the price is paid, just like old Israel. It can be recovered and at least learn a thing or two in the process, like give all people a break, (Jesus! especially our shunned an abused brothers and sisters!) and focus on undeserved kindness, anything competing with that will fail in the end, and that is also why Bethel will go down.

    We do not want to be like Edom, and gloat over the JW tragedy, because then what was our own true motive, and unfortunately some people just love to hate JWs, but that is not the purpose, Bethel is the "a system of things" that should be shunned (Matt13:36-42), not the average human JW. Bethel is the main "weed" of our day, the true and classic final apostasy imo, and I feel of course it will be of prophetic proportions and actuality when it hits and runs its course, it will develop in a changing global context that also will forever be changed for the world at large. What happens to Bethel is going to be a big signal, imo.

  • Phizzy

    Great Post Ocean1111 ! and it says much of what I have been saying and thinking for a long time.

    If it pans out as you say, then we all, who have family that are active JW's, will have to be on hand to help them adapt to the real world.

    I fear that some will not be able to handle the realisation that they have wasted their lives, and that they have been lied to by those they trusted.

    I am really afraid that if the whole thing crumbles then some, from depression brought about by the rug being pulled from under them, will choose to end their lives.

    An elderly, long time JW said to me a while ago, with an air of both sadness and desperation, "But if this religion is not true, what else is there for us ?".

    I may not live to see the sad plight of JW's when the s**t finally hits the fan, as I firmly believe they intend to keep the Scam rolling for a good few years, but I do hope there are enough good people around to help the poor deluded R&F JW's at the time.

    As you rightly say, the responsibility for this all lies with those shadowy figures who really Direct and Control the whole thing, those who know exactly what they are doing, and heartlessly do not care who suffers and dies because of their enormous greed.

  • TheOldHippie

    "Am I right that this is a first, or was I just not paying attention before I woke up to ttatt?"

    It was NOT a first, there have been similar studies earlier, after new pieces of literature have been issued, including tracts, so I am afraid you have not been paying attention ............

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