Terminology the Society Hates?

by toweragent 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • toweragent

    In my most recent talk, I got counseled for using some terms that were not prefered by the Society.

    For example I said "New Testament" rather than "the Christian Greek Scriptures". I also used the term "gospel", but even worse, I made reference to the "Synoptic Gospels" and the "Gnostic Gospel". I was told, "Just say the book of Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John."

    I guess I never thought of it before, but when I looked at the societies information on the matter they always say things like, "the so-called New Testament..." or "the so-called Synoptic Gospels..." Why with all the "so-called?"

    Have you guys ever been counseled for using wording or terminology of "Christendom?"

    What are some other terms the Society hates to use?

  • DaleRivers

    PARTY. It's either a 'get together' or a 'gathering'

  • GrreatTeacher

    AD to designate years.They prefer CE, common era. I guess Anno Domini sounds too Catholic.

  • Apognophos

    This is an interesting subject to me because I once slipped and referred to the "Old/New Testament" in a talk. In the old days I would have only used the Society-approved terminology, but my outside reading and newfound knowledge about the Bible is causing me to forget my JW lingo. I'm not sure if anyone noticed, but it stressed me out for a while wondering what people thought about that.

  • Finkelstein

    JW organization hates any terminology that originates with that evil soon to be destroyed Christendom.

    Their own self impose terminology is perceived to be better and have more purity in relevance.


    When your a JWs you have to think the way the WTS wants you to think and the way to talk, the way the WTS. wants you to talk.

    Its perceived to be having a close relationship to god's only chosen organization and a expression of loyalty to the organization.


  • matt2414

    They hate to use the word "hierarchy" in the congregation, but it's OK if they're trying to convince a judge they have the right to take away money and Kingdom Halls from the local congregation.

  • matt2414

    Perhaps you should counsel the local elders when they say "true Christians." You are either a Christian or you're not. Adding the word "true" does nothing to the meaning. It's like saying "real pregnancy." Either you're pregnant or you're not. There's no in between.

  • SadElder

    We were cautioned about saying "the Society says". Who said it then?

    How about "bulletin board"? Oh no, it's the Information Board.

  • smiddy

    It makes you wonder then, why they insist on the name Jehovah a catholic invention of the 13th century.


  • Oubliette

    I know they don't like it when you say the Governing Body members are liars and hypocrites and the organization is a cult!

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