Is This ALL the Society Meant By Big Stuff Coming?

by millie210 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Oubliette

    I for one was so disappointed at the smallness of it.

    Well said!

    As usual, the WTBTS once again delivers on underwhelming!

  • Gustv Cintrn
    Gustv Cintrn

    I hope this isn't all the changes!

    We the JW people want to see the 2nd school gone, and the Friday of the big convention eliminated. If the afternoon times were shortened at the assemblies that would be nice too; let's say all said and done with the "Amen" by 3:30 at the latest.

    How about doing away with monthly reporting of ministry time? And, wouldn't it be reasonable to stop anyone younger than 17 from baptism? I mean, perfect Jesus got baptized much older and, as instructed in the Bible, clearly we're to follow on his footsteps, right?

    I have a dream....


  • millie210

    I hope it isnt either Gusty!

    In this day and age anyone can (and does) have a TV channel. The Mormons did it first and better.

    When will they do something with real benefit?

    I could care less about the people who cant sleep at night because they are having some orgasmic experience over a man with a pinkie ring on some obscure channel.

    Im a lot more worried about the teenagers who cant sleep because they see this is all bogus but they dont know where to turn next and know they better not turn to the elders at any cost!

  • BluePill2

    millie210 & breakfast of champions: I laughed really hard about your comments!

    Love you all!

  • stillin

    I hope they don't bring back stoning at the city gates. I would miss you guys!

  • millie210

    Well stillin, they still have the "city gates"

    (back room of the Kingdom Hall)

    they just did away with the "cities of refuge"


  • Quarterback

    Well, they are really holding out for that new Rocket they are building. They thought it would have been ready in 2 months, with materials that have been donated. But, they have asked a Rocket scientist how long it normally takes to build one of those, and he said two years. They're realizing that maybe that project will actually be two years. Stay tuned for a animated episode of Caleb's Rocket. Just to wet the appetite.

  • punkofnice

    I for one was so disappointed at the smallness of it.

    Me too.

    But then in JW world anything is big compared to their dreadful grey existance.

    Luke 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is on TV so it must be true, That man shall not live by bread alone*, but by every word of the most holy Governing Body of Jehovah's witnesses(tm).

    *You can't afford it after giving all your money to the paedophile protecting GB - Ed

  • Heartofaboy

    Be underwhelmed folks.

    Where's the profound spiritual insights their self proclaimed special relation with the almighty should bring.

    There is a spiritual famine in dubbyland & all these new sparkly bells & whistles are an attempt to keep the mind of Joe Publisher occupied until 1914 becomes a 'some thought'.

  • WTWizard

    Wimpy, wimpy, wimpy. I have some Hefty, hefty, hefty changes--the whole LIE-ble is a book intended to damn the human race. Everything you know about fornication from that damnation book is wrong because joke-hova is a tyrant. Jesus never existed, and neither did original sin (it is another concept to enslave you all). And Satan is not the boogey monster that He is painted to be, but a would-be freedom fighter. And yes, xianity is the same as communism.

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