Watchtower July 2014

by StarTrekAngel 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • StarTrekAngel

    Much is being written these days as to where is the org going. There is no doubt that the steering wheel is moving. Many of us are like that child, sleeping in the back seat on our way to disney. After hours of driving, we feel the car changing direction, still sleepy, we mumble... are we there yet? Then we begin to look around for clues that would tell where we are exactly.

    Many of us who dare to look outside the box (pund intended) can easily tell we are going somewhere. My curiosity has always been, though, what about those inside the box? While the answer seems to be the obvious "they are brainwashed and could never tell", the truth is that no change comes without pain. That is a fact of life, no matter what you believe in. You can not make the change too suddenly.

    With that in mind, most of the changes coming are usually hinted at in publications. Most times they are too subtle to notice while you are half asleep during the WT study. For the most part, only once you notice the bigger picture and go back in your magazines, then you realize you were being told about this, but just did not notice. Although I would say that such awareness of change goes more like this...

    You notice something new...

    You question the elder...

    Elder points to magazine, either inmediately or at a later time...

    Elder makes you feel less of a Christian because you were not paying attention...

    You walked away in shame...

    You are now way more suceptible than before to follow suit, even if you disagree...

    Here is one example (although I don't dare to bring this one up and correct me if I am wrong) but I recall many years ago, we use to have a special section of a meeting, every year, dedicated to analyzing the issue of blood transfusion in detail. We would also take the chance to make this special meeting into a "sign-your-no-blood-card rally". Everyone who was ready to do it would then feel specially encouraged to proceed. Its taken me quite a while to notice that, at least in our cong, we have not done any of the above for at least 3 to 4 years.

    With this long intro, I am attempting to analyze change from the inside. What subtle CYA (cover your a$$) hints at change are coming that most JWs won't notice? I can't tell them all because I've only started doing this recently, but here is what I can recall

    - The blood issue mentioned above.

    - While not as strange, financial statements in my cong have not been read publicly for years now. Only posted on the board

    - We use to make sure to add the "our work is funded by voluntary donations" at the end of every presentation and the KM was specially used to remind us of it. Have not heard this mentioned in years.

    I am sure there is more.

    One thing that specially caught my attention was the July WT. I know JWsurvey has an extensive article on this. I noticed something else, in addition to what Cedars has published, that may hint at a change. I am trying to get as much input as possible because I want to make sure I am not reading too much into it.

    Look at the article titled "Jehovah know those who belong to him". Take a chance and read the whole thing and tell me if it doesn't tell you that apostates may be seen differently in the future? To me, the verbage used seems to imply that faithful servants of the org, should not question why Jehovah does not deal with those who are clearly apostasizying. Let me put out some bullet points on this..

    - Pargraph 4 explains how Paul wrote to Timothy about the harm of apostasy but clarified "Despite that, the solid foundation of God remains standing..". It then proceeds to have a detailed explanation about how these were good choice of words. It explains the significance of the "foundation" in the first century and the seal that some foundations use to have. In a nutshell, no matter who lives in the house, the seal of Jehovah is there for those that are "known to him".

    - There is hardly any mention on how the cong and the BOE deals with apostates and why. Most of the focus is on how God is not going to remain inactive and HE, not YOU, would take care of it.

    - Paragraph 15 goes as far as discouraging judgment against those that may look like they are falling for apostasy. Goes to the extend to tell that it would be hurtful to your own spirituallity, if you begin to question the faithfullnes of your brother or sister.

    - Paragraph 16 reminds us that we should mind our own business.

    - But the most shocking (at least to me), is the picture on page 9. Here you can see Timothy arguing with an "apostate" over scripture... in front of the congregation. That would never happen today. Not only they will change subjects rather than engaging in debate, but they would never do this in front of the cong. Was this a mistake from the writing department?

    Now, what is there to gain from such change? Would this not truly endanger their grip on people? Not if planned properly. Not if you demonize apostates enough before you let them roam free in the cong. Besides, what better way of reinforcement, at the dawn of the 100 year of the kingdom, than to have the "let the weed and the wheat grow together" prophecy be fullfilled in front of their very own eyes? I would feel safe to say that none of the current members have ever witnessed a prophecy being fulfilled. They've heard stories of Russell announcing the "end of the gentile times" but no one has lived thru such events. Everything they've got is second hand accounts.

    In the long term, becoming a more mainstream religion could end up having a more disastrous effect on people than the current policies have. At the times when information spreads like wildfire and they realize the outreach and the effects that the inernet has on people, letting the grip go for a while may not be as bad as one may think. At the time when most JWs (who were confronted with TTATT) are "waiting on Jehovah" to clarify the doutbts they won't admit to, having new light that would ridicule an apostate, would just prime them for more unquestioned obidience. If you think is hard to wake someone up now, wait for that day when they could tell you "I remember the last time you brought this up and Jehovah made a fool of you".

    I welcome anyone to please comment and correct me. Feedback and criticism is exactly what I am looking for. I will proudly stand corrected. But if indeed my statement is somewhat correct, I believe that nothing short of an all out revolution will ever stop this org from further inflicting damage on the lives of its followers.

  • Phizzy

    just a little bumpity, I await comments from others on this.

  • sloppyjoe2

    As far as blood goes, the watcthower will remain firm on blood transfusions. They may not have a talk anymore but they still have Hospital Liaison Committees which remain very active and really have become the experts for the blood issue. They give presentations to doctors at hosptials about the blood stand and what alternative care is acceptable. In my area there is an HLC meeting this weekend. Blood is still very important, it is just handled now by and handful of elders in the area.

    I don't think they will change their stance on apostates. Just my opinion but they have control of it now anyway. There is not some massive outflow of JWs due to apostacy. They lose more to being disfellowshipped for alcohol and sex than they ever do to apostacy. I don't really read into that article other than it was another boring watchtower study to have to sit through. Most JWs will not listen to apostates and that is the way they like it.

  • StarTrekAngel

    Thanks sloppyjoe,

    Specifically speaking blood. My take on the blood issue is that the change would have to come in the form of time. Long enough that no one would remember about the last person that died refusing a blood transfusion. Long enough that if so someone does, it could be chalked up to personal choice and not influence. In the meantine, they need to continue working with the medical community on alternatives because there is still too many members that stand strong on the subject. They need to avoid as many deaths as possible while the issue is forgotten. To make a sudden change would bring way more lawsuits than they can handle.

  • millie210

    The blood stand is already changing.

    There is a new "policy" now on blood for infants. A form the parents can fill out.

    Even in the elders manual, the blood stance has been "softened" but it has gone unnoticed by most.

  • label licker
    label licker

    Question for SloppyJoe2: Then you tell me why when there were two people needing blood transfusions(two years ago) in a hall over here, the hospital liason committee elder told both families to just give them blood and not to say anything to anyone about it. The patients were a new born baby and a mother.

    Yet an hour away in a neighboring congregation, a mother had given birth and needed blood(which was already public) and they let her die. There was no favortism there. I think more and more you will see and hear of these type of stories because the society doesn't want their names attatched to what's going on in the congregations. They just want their donations and ownership of all the kingdom halls. Hence, you will see more elder idiots taking it upon themselves to be a law to other brothers and sisters lives. They will have to stand on their own with out the society's help if reported.

    And if it's gone public then you will see all the elders and society stand far far away from that victim saying too bad too bad.

  • hamsterbait

    Upcoming changes are certainly hinted at - a November study some time ago pointed out tha Jesus words in Jo 6 about eating Christ applies to both those with earthly and heavenly hopes. When all are encouraged to partake, they wil say " see WT, such and such a date."

  • StarTrekAngel

    Hey hamsterbait... which WT is that?

    label licker.. do you have any links to information on the case you are talking about?


  • sloppyjoe2

    @label licker,

    That's exactly what I am saying, the elders of the HLC for the area have taken over. The blood stance is still there. The reason they "allow" it with children is because federal law does not allow a parent to make a medical decision that in the view of a medical professional could hurt the child. The courts will step in and take custody and order the treatment. Hence no underage child can refuse a blood transfusion legally nor can a parent keep that from happening legally.

    I notice you said the elder said to take blood and not tell anyone. That's the important part, not tell anyone. The official stance is blood is still not allowed. That is not a watchtower direction, that was that particular elder who may very well himself disagree with the blood issue. The one issue you said that a child was involved who was going to get blood anyway against everyone's wishes. One other aspect to know, an adult also cannot refuse medical treatment that may harm a viable fetus in certain states. I don't know if that was the case or not but it's just another law. The watchtower has found out over the years with children that they cannot enforce their blood policy. That is why every so often there is a news report of JWs taking their kids out of hospitals and running from the police.

  • Crazyguy

    Maybe the WT is moving away from more and more doctrine so there is leas for apostates to show how their wrong. They have quietly moved away from blood, don't talk about or study the book of revelations etc. Maybe their going to become more main stream less bossy and tyrannical knowing full well they are losing this war. Maybe their plan is to play nice have no real doctrine to argue about and be all touchy feely so people will have less reasons to leave. Fact is all religions are not getting new people so maybe someone wised up at the Borg and suggested that they try to stop bleeding off their members.

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