TV.JW.Org - Streamed to KHs via the New Projectors

by passwordprotected 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • passwordprotected

    I read here recently that the KHs are being instructed to buy and install projector systems.

    Now that we've seen the launch of of we can fully expect Public Talks to - on a monthly basis at least - be replaced by content streamed from the site to the screens in KHs.

  • Dagney

    It makes total sense. And after the positive reception last year for the televised annual meeting, it's a great way to keep the faithful who love this stuff engaged. They got so excited to see the GB televised! Smart move for them.

  • GreenhornChristian

    Nice connection. It will be a way to boost meeting attendance. Come here the GB talk.

    Hmm but that won't be a draw if its available on the web to be watched at anytime. It will have to be a live broadcast that won't be available for 3 month or some such nonsense.

  • Simon

    All this slick stuff has a hidden cost - they will rob a whole generation of the joy of watching an amateur try to give a good public presentation and fail miserably.

    Remember when someone said the wrong thing or accidentally fell off the platform? There will be none of that anymore. Entertainment value, little that it was, will fall to zero and millions will leave as a result.

  • kairos

    This must be the big news that is supposed to bring us back to the meetings.

  • sir82

    Probably not right away, but maybe in 2016 or so.

    Incidentally there is a service meeting part for the week of October 20 that is supposed to show a downloaded 7 minute video from, for those congregations that have their projections systems already set up. That's in the US, at least.

  • Vidiot


  • A.proclaimer

    Ah! That could be a reason why the Kingdom Hall I go to got new flat screen tv's not long ago. The only thing it currently displays is the yearly bible text

  • j dubb
    j dubb

    I thought all halls had projectors as of last years AGM?

  • smiddy

    Jehovahs Witnesses will soon be unrecognisable from christendoms fundamentallists .


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