I...I have no words

by Theredeemer 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Theredeemer

    I cannot wrap my mind around the fact that there is JW tv. I just really cant. Being a born in and living most of my life hearing how tv evangelism is wrong and lazy preaching yet seeing this unfold solidifies this religion as a CULT!

    I remember back when I began my fade a few years ago I told my brother during an argument how this religion is just like any other religion in that its bull. His retort was how "witnesses are different!! You would never see us on TV like a ego maniac evengelist!!". I wonder how the millions of JDubs will spin this one, inluding my brother.

    And this is the sad part. They will spin it.They will sell it. They will buy it.

    The few that leave, speak up or protest will be quickly squashed.

  • sloppyjoe2

    Easy, they aren't on TV, they're on the internet.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Amen bro! This is just something else.

    I cant tear myself away!

  • KateWild

    You're right. JWs will find a way to spin this to keep them believing in the GB. Kate xx

  • Theredeemer

    Yep. That will be their spin or one of them. Well, in that case, I guess internet porn is ok since it not on TV its on the internet! haha

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Being a born in and living most of my life hearing how tv evangelism is wrong

    It's only wrong when other religions do it.

    Just put it on the same long list as all the other things WT has condemned other religions for doing...only to see WT eventually do it themselves.

  • galaxie

    They can feel jehovah's guiding hand in the studio!!

    You really can't make this stuff up!!

    Isn't this venture just absolute proof they are indeed as much a part of the world as the rest.

    They have indeed succumbed to the satanic influence of the internet they had previously warned against.

    A big one up for jehovah's mortal enemy.

  • punkofnice

    The watchtower corporation(r) is not a religion, it's a big business....a pyramid scam!

  • Theredeemer

    Someone in an other site said that this religion is not changing, its just shinning brighter from what was to what is. My response: You can spin it however you like but they are changing their beliefs. A thirteen year old's voice was squeeky and now its deep. What do they say happenned? His voice what? It went from what was:squeeky to what is:deep. You can spin it however you like but his voice CHANGED!
    This religion is not a trail blazer. The great chariot is not ahead of the times. It seems to be trying to keep up with every other religion and they are way behind. These changes are forced changes because, if they dont, they will become very, very outdated. Before, they were happy being singled out and unique among the religions. Crazy biblical interpretations, scary apocalyptic imagery, numbers, dates and in your face preaching battles. It reveled in that spot. Now however they are slowly trying to shed that image while still holding on to the cult control of its people.

    The they are losing the battle with time. The fear that kept this religion turning is waning. The old ones and my generation are the last to have any remnance of that old WT fear. The only way to keep the new generations in by completely embracing the social media/digital world we now live in. This cult is now officially a social club.

    Hence tv.jw.org. Dont be surprised if they make their own social media website. Im calling it folks.

  • Phizzy

    The world at large will not notice the web site, or its TV element. If any do view it for a few seconds they will think it is a parody I'm sure.

    The only contact normal people will have with JW's is seeing the Trolley/Carts, but they won't recognise them as JW's.

    It is only us on here who are taking any note of all this, and active JW's of course, so many are looking at the TV bit at the moment that is having trouble loading, it is making the whole thinglook and sound laugh out loud stoopid.

    But give it all a year and the real decline in numbers will begin to be evident. When all this hoo-hah brings no tangible results, see the JW's get really depressed !

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