Killing In Self Defense

by Cold Steel 90 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 3rdgen


  • Apognophos

    Interesting suggestion, 3rdgen.

  • Gregor

    In my opinion, the WTB&TS' only hope for longevity (after the corner they painted themselves into) is to loosen up on the trivial stuff and to stay the hell away from doctrinal/legal/lawsuit traps that they have gotten into in the past.

    They are going to become a mainstream religion but they have to do it with a little finesse. As the old timers pass, they can step up the reformation that will take them well into the future.

  • BU2B

    This issue was actually one of the first things that really got under my skin and got me doubting. This and oral sex. In both cases I could not wrap my head around how power hungry they were to dictate how a person would defend their family or how they chose to express intimacy with their spouse. The power grabbing and invasion of what should be private and personal matters boggles the mind.

  • TD
    You know which one outranks the other in JW world, right?

    I do, which is one of the things that makes being married to a JW so interesting.....

    I don't even have a clue where they really stand right now on anything more substantial than warding off blows and praying.....

  • Apognophos

    "No" to guns for self-defense, "yes" to guns for hunting, "no" to killing in self-defense, "yes" to killing accidentally while defending oneself without a weapon, "no" to learning how to defend yourself. What's so complicated?

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    What a bizarre statement..."during daytime"? So you can go all Dirty Harry so long as the sun has set?

    I'm sure the Pharisees also had similar rules bogged down in nonsensical idiotic minutiae.

    JW woman to a rapist who's just broken into her home:

    "I'm sorry, it's 5 minutes until sunset. Would you mind holding off any attempted rape for 5 minutes? I don't want to get in trouble with my elders. At the 5 min, one second mark go ahead and attack and I will cap your ass only then".

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Let's not forget that WT is the same organization that would quickly disfellowship a woman if a body of janitors (Elders) determined she didn't resist enough when being raped.


    The Watchtower January 15th 1964 Issue, Pages 63-64:

    "What is the position of a Christian woman... if faced with a... situation [of being attacked by a rapist]? Is she to scream even if an attacker threatens her life with a weapon?"

    "But suppose the man had a weapon and threatened to kill the girl if she failed to lie down with him?"

    "[The Bible] plainly says she should scream; hence, oppose the attack regardless of the circumstances."

    "Thus if a Christian woman does not cry out and does not put forth every effort to flee, she would be viewed as consenting to the violation. The Christian woman who wants to keep clean and obey God's commandments, then, if faced with this situation today, needs to be courageous and to act on the suggestion made by the Scriptures and scream. Actually this counsel is for her welfare; for, if she should submit to the man's passionate wishes, she would not only be consenting to fornication or adultery, but be plagued by the shame. There would be shame, not only from the repulsiveness of the experience, but of having been coerced into breaking God's law by having sex connections with one other than a legal marriage mate.".


    Damned if you defend yourself, damned if you don't. With WT there is no winning.

  • Gregor

    BU2B - Yes, it is sometimes difficult to wrap your head around the oral sex issue...

  • Darth Fader The Sequel
    Darth Fader The Sequel

    Gregor- was that low-hanging fruit too irresistible? Hahahahahaha!!!!!!

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