the mystery of the orgasm...please help me!

by kat7302 26 Replies latest social relationships

  • Billygoat

    You may want to stop and see what the real issue is. Some birth control pills would mess with my libido. When I was on anti-depressants I also had a hard time orgasming. If it is totally mental I understand. For me, (before I got on BC or AD) it wasn't so much a sexual issue as it was a shame and guilt issue too. Finding a good counselor that understood my situation, helped relieve me of some of those old thinking habits. That in turn changed my outlook on sex and pleasuring. I still find during stressful times I have a hard time "getting there". It is a total mental exercise for me to relax myself, but having an understanding lover always helps. Teach them to appreciate foreplay and anticipation - the "tease" definitely helps!

    When I first left I had the same issue as you. AND I thought the same thing you did...if I didn't orgasm I wasn't as sinful. Haha! Funny to look at it like that now though. All I can say is that self-loving made me more aware of my body and what I liked. It was at that point I could instruct someone else to do what pleasures me. Most people are afraid to give "instruction", but I know I'd rather know EXACTLY what pleasures my sweetie, then try to guess it. I figured I could do my lover the same courtesy.

    All I can say is make yourself comfortable. Wear a sexy dress without panties or something like that. Like someone else said, let the feeling build up. Sometimes doing that over a period of a whole day (or several) will make the orgasm worthwhile. Over a period of time you'll get to know yourself better and might relax a bit.

    This probably isn't the best advice in the world, but have a glass of wine or three. Seriously, wine gets me so relaxed I feel like a ragdoll. It's just enough to relax my brain and yet not too much that I lose the physical sensations.

  • Billygoat

    Another thing you might think about. It took awhile for you to get to the point your at now. Be patient with yourself...this won't resolve itself immediately either. Just enjoy the moment until you get it figured out. But BE PATIENT.

  • line6guy


    So, I take it you have experienced this firsthand?


  • line6guy

    I understand that sex for a woman is very mental (I didn't read all those "Young People Ask" articles for nothing! LOL)

    That must be pretty cool. I have never heard of a guy doing that, though, even as visual as we are!

  • SpiceItUp

    Lineguy - yes I have and it is even better than the physical act dare I say.

    Also FYI - I ahve known guys who could as well.......tantric baby...heehee


  • butalbee

    I cried once too. but It wasn't cuz I was feeling sinful...

    Line6guy is right, sex for a woman is very mental.

  • Xander

    Butal's back? Boy, did YOU miss some interesting threads...

  • slipnslidemaster

    Xander, you're terrible. Keep rubbing it in...

    Isn't Pride one of the seven deadly sins?

  • Xander

    Oh, no, not for me.

    Twas the ladies that made that thread.

  • butalbee

    Lust has always been my favorite sin.

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