Public Talk - Probe to Uranus

by berrygerry 12 Replies latest social humour

  • LoveUniHateExams

    @bigmac - reminded me of a conclusion I heard in a brother's talk 'remember, brothers, humans don't have souls - we are souls'

    He was a good laugh, he knew what he was doing there.

  • I exist therefore I am
    I exist therefore I am

    about 20 years ago My brother, when he was giving one of his 5 min talks in the kingdom ministry school, blurted out to around 90 staunch witnesses gathered, and said:

    "And DAVROS king of the Medes....." well most of those present just instinctively just burst out laughing, ablosute mayhem....Davros was the king of the DALEKS a Dr WHO creation. oh well that's probably the closest the witnesses has ever got to the truth anyway.

  • berrygerry

    One of my favourite old-timers had the coolest sense of humour - never cracked a smile.

    He was the chairman and started the meeting: "If everyone could find a place for their seats."

    No one got it but one other brother and me.

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