What christians don't want to admit

by opusdei1972 64 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jgnat

    The bible isn't God. This is where those who insist on an inerrant bible to bolster their faith in God get in trouble. Prove the bible fallible, and down goes God, too.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    Gravity is a law and a theory.

    The fact that it is a law is why no one doubts it.

    The law of gravity tells us how gravity affects things. The theories of gravity are explanations of why gravity affects things.

    Something has to be provable and falsafiable to be a scientific fact.

    I believe there are aspects of evolution that are true and scientific.

    Each statement has to be taken on a case by case basis.

    I agree that evolution is fact.

    To say that we all came from a common ancestor is much harder to prove and less scientific.

    It cant be proven or disproven so it does not adhere to the scientific method.

    For all I know we may have all come from one common anscestor.

    But that is a statement that is speculation we can not prove it scientifically

    according to the scientific method.

    At least not as I read the scientific method in my biology, chemistry and science books that I have from college.

  • jgnat

    We can't directly test the past. So other deductive methods are used. We can't touch stars, but we can learn through deduction much about their composition, speed, temperature, and makeup.

  • opusdei1972

    jgnat --The bible isn't God. This is where those who insist on an inerrant bible to bolster their faith in God get in trouble. Prove the bible fallible, and down goes God, too.

    I agree with you: The errancy of the Bible does not prove that God does not exist, it only proves that God is not responsible for what is written there.

    However, there are other arguments in which atheists base their disbelief. And I see that I can't give an answer. For instance, if God created us to enjoy this world, why does He permit biological illness? Why does he permit that a natural disaster can destroy an entire population in a region? So, if God created us, it seems clear that He is not worried about our fleshy life.....So, Does he want our worship?...It seems that He is absent in many aspects.

  • jgnat

    We either have an all-powerful God that refuses to act, or a a weak God that cannot intervene. I prefer the latter so that love remains.

  • opusdei1972

    jgnat It is hard to believe that a God who created us can not intervene due to weakness. Indeed, those who are atheists have good arguments for their position. Of course, I prefer other hypothesis, but we end up always in spectulations . This is why people like the Witnesses are very scared about "independent thinking", because they would discover that all their prepared "answers" to explain God and life are weak, so they would be like us, knowing nothing about the afterlife (if even there is one).

  • galaxie

    Hi jgnat,,. Your preference is obviously not a conclusion then?

    Love exists because of weakness? For what purpose then?

    Do you consider that love can come about/ exist only on humanistic basis?

  • Junction-Guy

    Well I believe in original sin, I believe in the innerancy of the bible--definitely not the NWT though! I believe in a literal flood, and I believe in creation. That puts me more in line with my friends and family, but definitely separates me from most XJW's. If the Watchtower has a purpose for existing--it seems that ultimate purpose is to turn people away from Christianity.

  • jgnat

    Your preference is obviously not a conclusion then? Correct

    Love exists because of weakness? The reverse is not equally true. I am not saying that love exists because of weakness.

    Do you consider that love can come about/exist only on humanistic basis?

    Galaxie, if I may rephrase, are you offering that love can exist without the existence of God? Yes that may be so.

    I have been putting my thoughts out on this board for years now. I've gone through several deep re-evaluations of my faith and beliefs. I would say my reasoning side is now fully reawakened. I am aware of the shaky foundation of my faith; it is not logical, and it does not stand up to reason. Yet, I enjoy worship, the closest I can compare to a songbird in the spring. The bird puts its whole being in to it's song, and I experience a similar loss of self when in the throes of worship.

    This part of me I do not understand and I cannot explain, I am not willing to give up. Besides, it's cheaper than alcohol.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    Junction Guy.

    I agree with that.

    The Watchtowers ultimate purpose is to turn people away from Christianity.

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