What christians don't want to admit

by opusdei1972 64 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jgnat

    I don't like words or thoughts attributed to me, a practicing Christian. Aren't you more properly characterizing evangelicals who depend on an infallible bible?

  • designs

    jgnat- what are your views on Jesus death and purpose.

  • opusdei1972

    jgnat....well, Evangelicals, such as I know them here in Brazil and from webpages, believe in the inerrancy of the Bible. ...But I thought you were not a christian, due to some comments I read from you. May be I misunderstood you.

  • jgnat

    opusdei, I am now an unorthodox Christian. There's more than one kind. I don't like apologist threads that attribute attitudes to athiests, just like I don't like athiest threads who paint all Christians with the same brush.

    designs, I think Jesus died for his beliefs and thereby inspired a world-spanning religion.

  • galaxie

    Jesus died for his beliefs....which were??!!!

  • opusdei1972

    jgnat: I think Jesus died for his beliefs and thereby inspired a world-spanning religion.

    I think so, I respect Jesus because I believe he died for his beliefs, but I think his followers did not respect him when they wrote many words that he did not say.

  • jgnat

    Such are myths born, opus, and always has it been so. I am fascinated by the stories of Thunderbird here in North America. Offensive to me is the pseudo-scientific search for origins and truth in the Christian message that has it's own origins at the dawn of the industrial age. The Catholics know that there was no such ting.

  • galaxie

    What did jesus say then, I'm all ears!!

  • jgnat

    galaxie, how can we disentangle at this point what came from Jesus' mouth from the great ideas that were attributed to him afterwards?

  • galaxie

    What is attributed may be and in some cases so remote from the actuality to render it useless.

    And unnecessary.

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