July WT Study magazine - How can any intelligent person believe these things??

by Faithful Witness 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    I haven't been paying attention, I admit... but thought I would go and look at their latest magazine, and see what my parents are spending their precious energy on this month. My mom retired in May, and we have seen her just once since then. Our invitations have been rejected, due to meetings, conventions, service work requirements, etc. Ugh.

    I have not read the whole magazine, but it seems that they are really puffing themselves up with pride. Jehovah's People "Renounce Unrighteousness." Hmmmm... sounds like a good idea. (I assume that I am the unrighteous now, since I never agreed to become a JW and "bear God's name").

    Don't debate with apostates. Paragraph 20 on page 16: "The privilege of bearing God's name comes with responsibility."

    "Jehovah will always love 'those who belong to him' and adhere to his righteous ways." (Like avoiding your grandchildren)

    And on page 31, paragraph 11: "Ever since that marked year of 1914, 'the signs of [Christ's] presence' as earth's new King has become clear for all to see." -- (Oh? Can you give some examples of these signs?)

    Paragraph 15 on page 32: "Thus, being hated for bearing Jehovah's name is the same as 'being reproached for the name of [Jesus] Christ,' who said to his opposers: 'I have come in the name of my Father, but you do not receive me.' (John 5:43)" -- (Jesus came in the name of his Father, but there is no record of Jesus telling them to use the name Jehovah or any other pronunciation. This would have been yet another place for specific instructions on the use of the name they are so proud to bear).

    I'm just so glad we woke up before joining this cult.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    Intelligent people don't

  • Apognophos

    The serious answer to the question in your thread title is that intelligent people can fall victim to their emotions just like "unintelligent" people. If their emotions include really needing a place to belong, a Victorian sense of morality, a conspiratorial view of the world, a longing to see dead loved ones again in this world, or a yearning to feel special, then they're about as vulnerable as anyone less educated. But you probably already knew that.

  • punkofnice

    Don't debate with apostates. Paragraph 20 on page 16: "The privilege of bearing God's name comes with responsibility."

    What is this? Spider-Man? With great power comes great responsibilty?

    "Jehovah will always love 'those who belong to him' and adhere to his righteous ways."

    Yeah. Love me or you die!! Sounds very psycho.

    And on page 31, paragraph 11: "Ever since that marked year of 1914, 'the signs of [Christ's] presence' as earth's new King has become clear for all to see."

    Clear? Evidently(tm) it was overlappingly clear! So clear no one can see it....it must be another 'invisible(tm)' thing the WBT$ invented.

    Paragraph 15 on page 32: "Thus, being hated for bearing Jehovah's name is the same as 'being reproached for the name of [Jesus] Christ,' who said to his opposers: 'I have come in the name of my Father, but you do not receive me.' (John 5:43)"

    That's it. The old persecution complex.

  • leaving_quietly

    Paragraph 15 on page 32: "Thus, being hated for bearing Jehovah's name is the same as 'being reproached for the name of [Jesus] Christ,' who said to his opposers: 'I have come in the name of my Father, but you do not receive me.' (John 5:43)

    This actually bears looking at closer, both paragraphs 14 and 15.

    Par 14:

    Today, millions may claim to be Christians, "but they disown [God] by their works, because they are detestable and disobedient and not approved for good work of any sort." (Titus 1:16) It is good for us to remember that in the first century, genuine Christians were hated by many--if not the majority--of their contemporaries. That is why the apostle Peter wrote: "If you are being reproached for the name of Christ, you are happy, because . . . the spirit of God . . . is resting upon you."--1 Pet 4:14.

    Comments: Why leave a part of 1 Pet 4:14? In it's entirety, it reads:

    If you are being reproached for the name of Christ, you are happy, because the spirit of glory, yes, the spirit of God, is resting upon you.

    Is there something about this WTBTS is ashamed of???

    Par 15:

    Can those inspired words be applied to Jehovah's Witnesses today? Yes, indeed, because we bear witness to Jesus' kingship. Thus, being hated for bearing Jehovah's name is the same as "being reproached for the name of [Jesus] Christ," who said to his opposers: "I have come inthe name of my Father, but you do not receive me." (John 5:43) So the next time you experience opposition in your witnessing work, take courage. Such mistreatment is proof that you have God's smile of approval and that his spirit "is resting upon you."

    Comments: What is this bait and switch? "bearing witness to Jesus' kingship" is not the same as "bearing Jehovah's name". The transition in thought here is just strange.

    What about all the other people / groups who bear witness to Jesus' kingship? There are plenty more out there than Jehovah's Witnesses who believe Christ is king. This doesn't make JWs special.

    As for bearing witness to Jesus' kingship, this is a red herring. Nowhere in the Bible are we told to bear witness to Jesus' kingship. We are to bear witness about Jesus, but neither the phrase "bear witness" nor "bearing witness" occurs in any verse in connection with his kingship.

    As for being hated for bearing Jehovah's name being the same as being reproached for the name of Christ, this is simply a false claim. How is this the same? In this same article, in paragraph 5, they DO make a distinction: "Why did Jesus say: "You will be witnesses of me," not of Jehovah? Jesus could have said the latter, but the ones whom he addressed were Israelites and as such were already witnesses of Jehovah." So, we see that the Israelites already bore Jehovah's name but were NOT reproached for that. They only were reproached when they started bearing Christ's name.

    As for experiencing opposition in the witnessing work being proof of God's smile approval, what about others who also witness who experience opposition, such as Mormons or Baptists or other evangelical groups? If it's proof for us then it's proof for them because ALL of those groups claim to come in Christ's name.

  • Pinku

    "Jehovah will always love 'those who belong to him' and adhere to his righteous ways." Isn't this contrary to Mathew 5:44-48?

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Excellent replies!

    separation and apog: I *almost* became a Jehovah's Witness. (at least, that is the easiest way to describe it to someone who never was one). I did enjoy the "community" feeling, and they treat new people like treasures. The love-bombing really did work on me. My over-critical analysis, and my husband's rebellion against their bullying and overemphasis on minutia, stunted our "progress," to the point of our BS teacher finally threatening my husband in private. (threats of death at Armageddon didn't get very far with him... you don't PUSH an intellectual into believing you)

    punk: I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees their wording as so strange and cultic.

    leaving: Exactly! You made an great point. How do they handle that "bait and switch," with someone who is paying attention? I find this particular issue of the WT to be timely and interesting, since this is almost the same conversation I tried to have with my dear elderette, Miss K. One of her main points about Jesus and his name being above ALL names, was the response, "Yes, that is true, BUT who GAVE him that power???"

    Jesus Christ is merely a tool to get to "Jehovah."

    I guess I have never noticed before, their arrogance being displayed in such an obvious way. "We bear the name of God." -- Really??

    And, the way they so confidently outline specific and estimated dates in this article

    (July 2014 Watchtower, pages 30-31, starting in paragraph 7, under the subheading "A Ransom in Exchange for Many"). These dates are specified:

    7: Pentecost 33CE - Jehovah graciously accepted the value of Jesus' perfect human sacrifice as an atonement for sin

    8: "Some 27 years after Pentecost CE, it could be said that 'the message of truth of the good news' had reached Jews and Gentiles' in all creation under heaven.' -Col. 1:5, 23"

    9: original Christian congregation became corrupted. "apostasy, promoted by 'the wicked one,' Satan, would grow and obscure true Christianity until 'the conclusion of the system of things.' (Matt. 13:37-43)

    9: OCTOBER 1914 - Jehovah enthrones Jesus as King over the world of mankind, marking the beginning of "the last days" of Satan's wicked system

    10: "Modern-day annointed Christians pointed in advance to October 1914 as a significant date." ... "the sign of [Christ's] presence" became clear for all to see

    11: 1919 - post-war year opened up possibility for worldwide witness to be given about God's means of salvation and the good news of the established Kingdom.

    12: mid-1930's onward - "it became evident that Christ had started to gather millions of his 'other sheep,' who would make up a multinational 'great crowd.' "

    It is fascinating to watch them cling to these dates, when the quoted verse used to introduce the article seems to directly contradict that anyone would know any specific dates.

    This article is titled, "You Will Be Witnesses of Me."

    The article's subheading is a few excerpts from Acts 1:7,8:

    "[Jesus] said to them: '. . . You will be witnesses of me . . . to the most distant part of the earth.' "

    What is significant about the ". . ." ? (they wouldn't leave out anything important in an article that is direct from Jehovah himself ... !!)

    Acts 1:7 "He said to them: “It does not belong to you to know the times or seasons that the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction."

    So the only part of verse 7 that is fit to print here, was "He [Jesus] said to them:" . . . (irrelevant part) . . . skip to verse 8: "you will be witnesses of me"

    (as in: you are witnessing me [Jesus] being a witness of "Jehovah" - whom I call Father - but you go ahead and call him by him by a name commonly rendered in English as "Jehovah."

    That makes you a Witness of Jesus!

    Jesus evidently forgot to say: "I will return in about 1800 years or so, inspect and appoint someone to prepare the way for me to come back to rule over the earth as King in October of 1914)" - they claim they "pointed in advance to October 1914."

    Acts 1:8 "But you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you, and you will be witnesses of me in Jerusalem, in all Ju·de′a and Sa·mar′i·a, and to the most distant part of the earth.

    I guess what [Jesus] really meant, was that "you" referred to those who actually walked and talked with [Jesus] Christ while he was here on earth. Clearly, this knowledge would be revealed to annointed ones during the last days of "this system of things."

    They use 18 words out of 60 (omitting 70% of the text), when using scripture to illustrate the point of this article:

    Witness of Jesus = Witness of Jehovah - (Yes, you can call yourself a Christian, and still be a Jehovahian)

    ([Jesus] came to be a witness of his Father [Jehovah]... in fact, he was the best Witness of Jehovah EVERRRRR...and since no one could ever be a witness of Jesus Christ, if Jehovah had not sent him here, then everyone who witnesses for Jesus, is actually witnessing for Jehovah. When you Witness for Jehovah, you are witnessing his [Jehovah's] power to appoint Jesus to rule over his earthly Kingdom!! Hallelu-Jehovah! Ohhhh... how did I ever miss that connection? It was so obvious and simple all along! ... Thank you, faithful and discreet slave, for that little twist on the truth. Spinning it around like that, it suddenly becomes SO clear! It all makes perfect sense now. How do I become one of Jehovah's Witnesses [of Jesus's Witness of Jehovah's power to give Jesus the power to save us from death]?)

  • Ucantnome

    And on page 31, paragraph 11: "Ever since that marked year of 1914, 'the signs of [Christ's] presence' as earth's new King has become clear for all to see." -- (Oh? Can you give some examples of these signs?)

    l have trouble with this one. so i cant b a witnes

  • Zordino

    "Ever since that marked year of 1914, 'the signs of [Christ's] presence' as earth's new King has become clear for all to see."

    What a Hot steaming Load of..... invisible activity

  • leaving_quietly

    Witness of Jesus = Witness of Jehovah - (Yes, you can call yourself a Christian, and still be a Jehovahian)

    ([Jesus] came to be a witness of his Father [Jehovah]... in fact, he was the best Witness of Jehovah EVERRRRR...and since no one could ever be a witness of Jesus Christ, if Jehovah had not sent him here, then everyone who witnesses for Jesus, is actually witnessing for Jehovah. When you Witness for Jehovah, you are witnessing his [Jehovah's] power to appoint Jesus to rule over his earthly Kingdom!! Hallelu-Jehovah! Ohhhh... how did I ever miss that connection? It was so obvious and simple all along! ... Thank you, faithful and discreet slave, for that little twist on the truth. Spinning it around like that, it suddenly becomes SO clear! It all makes perfect sense now. How do I become one of Jehovah's Witnesses [of Jesus's Witness of Jehovah's power to give Jesus the power to save us from death]?)

    JWs are quick to point out that Jesus was described as "the Faithful Witness" (capital F and capital W) in Revelation 1:8 and "the faithful and true witness" at Revelation 3:14. But very few are aware that God gave witness about his son. (1 John 5:9). Both are witnesses about EACH OTHER.

    1 John 5:11,12 makes this powerful point: "And this is the witness, that God gave us everlasting life, and this life is in his Son. The one who has the Son has this life; the one who does not have the Son of God does not have this life."

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