@ bemused. Thanks for your reply.
Look at the context of sammie's comment. The context is clearly involving violent, intentional killing with firearms within the topic of ISIS, then with a HUGE leap, fanatical Middle Eastern jihadi violence gets overlayed on Joe Average citizen living in the USA- as if there's a correlation. You posted figures which included accidental shootings to bolster sammie's claim, and added your own personal speculation to justify it:
The original phrase used was victims of guns I think, which can reasonably include aggressive non-fatal injuriesalthough perhaps accidental injuries are slightly more questionable to categorise in this way.
On what basis do you come to your conclusions? Actually, if you look at the statistics, there's no question about categorizing accidental injuries as accidental injuries.
Note also in my figures that 62% of total gun fatalities are comprised of suicides. Again, this undermines sammie's claim that when a shooting occurs it's people killing other people (murder).
So, in the 2010 figures I posted above (because you used that year as an example) of all gun-related incidences, 11,101 were actual murders. Of the 11,101 murders a large portion of those are the result of things like gang-related violence, which means it's not gun violence among the general population (i.e. law abiding, responsible gun owners) but among a sub-group of criminals. That number eviscerates sammies argument using a completely fictitious number of 100,000.
To your credit, at least you showed more interest in being accurate than sammie did.