Please a dilemma..

by crazyhorse 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • crazyhorse

    ^^^Thanks for that reasoning

    The third link is very helpful. These elders have no real love. Their love is based on you just putting in a show in others eyes and to receive praise. Smh. I have no time for such crap. God loves me without a "title"

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    What should I do?

    Crazyhorse, can you please tell us a little more about your circumstances? Why are you still going to the JW meetings?

  • Crazyguy

    Get away while you can, go live your life to the fullest. Do you really want to waste your life??

  • crazyhorse

    I still go to the meetings because I live with my family and I am not independent. I haven't started work full time to be able to live on my own. (I'm in Africa and its not like in America where you can live on your own that easily)

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Either fade - OR - tell the Elders that you want to be treated like the sisters; they don't need any congregational "privileges" to serve Jehovah, but they have the greatest privilege of all which is open to anyone, namely, following the Christ!

    End of......

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    2 words will suffice: not thanks. You can say it with a twinkle in your eye and a smile if you like.

    If they press for a reason and repeating the above doesnt seem to wash, then just say "I dont want to"

    If they press for a reason and repeating the above doesnt seem to wash, then just say "Last time I checked I wasnt living in North Korea" and walk away...

  • Daniel1555

    If they ask you again for becoming a ms and you say "yes", they will pressure you to become an elder. Exactly the same happened with me. I didn't want to become ms and elder but I was afraid to say no. For elder I said first no, then they pressured even more and I said yes (you have to know that if you say "no" to the elders it will make them look stupid before the co).

    I learned the hard way. JUST SAY NO WHEN THEY ASK YOU. You don't owe them an explanation. Maybe they will wonder if you committed a secret sin that prevents you. Just answer "no" and "don't worry it's not because of a sin. I am fine and if not I will let you know."

  • jwfacts

    It is quite simple, don't accept the appointment. Make sure you don't report more than 4 hours a month and they won't even offer.

    I was an MS and then moved congregations. I started reporting 1 hour a month, so that they could not reappoint me, but would not get upset that I was inactive and chase me for reports. I was sometimes asked why I was not reaching out but over time people stopped asking.

  • millie210

    jw facs made a good point...

    I would add:

    no matter how many hours you actually get in service ONLY turn in 4 or so.

    Your number of hours turned in is "supposedly" confidential so that should slow down the amount of "talk" the elders are able to do about why exactly they cant appoint you.

    I am not saying to limit your service if that might cause some worry for your family...Im just saying dont report it.

  • jgnat

    Since you choose to remain the pressure will always be there. Practice all the ways to say no as described above, in front of the mirror if need be. If they appoint you anyway, fail the assignment. Don't show. They will learn.

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