My JW friend turned down the "privilege" of working the literature table at the park. Why?

by MissFit 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MissFit

    I have written before about my JW friend that plays hookie with me on Sundays. We skip the meeting and go straight to lunch and margaritas.

    She converted later in life and has been a JW for over 25 years.

    She is in her late 70's and has had heart problems. She hasn't gone to meetings for over a year because the meetings cause her blood pressure to rise and she is hard of hearing and gets stressed when she cant hear what is going on.

    She is still active " in service," and keeps in touch with " the friends".

    So we were having lunch when she mentioned that her "Elder " friend called her to see if she would like to sit at the literature table at the park.

    She looked at me and said: " I'm supposed to just SIT there and WAIT for someone to COME to ME." She shakes her head in disgust." REALLY Missy HOW MANY people do you think will STOP." She pauses for a minute and then exclaims,

    "No thanks, I DON'T work that way. I just placed 51 magazines with my calls and magazine route. I just got a new "call" the other day. So tell me how I would do better SITTING at the PARK? " She shakes her head again and declares:

    " I'm just going to tell him that I am doing just fine and am not interested" she said.

    All I did was just smile and nod, smile and nod.

    Sometimes there just isn't anything left to add.

    I love her to death. She tells me that her faith in Jehovah is what gets her through and that she trust HIM to read her heart. She doesn't agree with alot of what the Brothers are doing and she hates how nosey and unlovingly "the friends" can be.

    She makes up her own mind and if it doesn't make sense she won't do it.

    Our lunches rock!

    Have any of you had a similar conversation about the magazine table?


  • sparrowdown

    Not about the mag table as such, but definite grumbling in the ranks about the futility of directing people to a website.

    The oldies are the ones who will have the most difficulty adjusting.

  • MissFit

    Sparrow: you are so right. My friend also mentioned that someone told her that"they" were wanting "the friends" to get I Pads so they could go to

    She said "what about those with a limited income"? (Smile and nod, Smile and nod)

  • Paris

    The WT should supply ipads for free to every single JW. 7 million ipads ? They should get a big discount. Can you imagine how much money this woman has sepnt on literature in 25 years ? How sad that in her 70's she still feels pressured to have a "magazine route" and "get in her time" What absolute elder abuse. I am so glad you take her to lunch.

    Put a paper cover with a Watchtower front page, glued on front of the book Crisis of Conscience and tell her its the latest new book you picked up at the convention.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Please tell your lovely, dear friend that she is very much admired for thinking and reasoning for herself! She sounds just like two or three older ones I know - they cannot accept the changes in direction and the speed of the Org's chariot.

  • SadElder

    Not to mention that if she goes she will be personally liable for any damages, injuries, lawsuits that result from the placement of the dub carts. As always the Org will disavow any knowledge of their activities as these folks were doing a "personal ministry" not in any way connected with the Watchtower.

  • mgmelkat

    They could give out iPads in return for an agreed payment, no, "donation", to be paid monthly for the rest of their lives!!,

  • JustVisting

    The battle axes I've been around are probably shaking their righteous heads wanting to throw down some mags and quote ten ole testament scriptures at every door like they've done for years.

  • BluesBrother

    Your friend sounds like one who would get on well with the older ,but diehard, dubs in my family. They moan like heck about the changes among themselves and to me, but meekly toe the line at the Hall and never concede that the Borg may, just may, be wrong

  • Legacy

    Hi All,

    but meekly toe the line at the Hall and never concede that the Borg may, just may, be wrong .....It's not about that the borg is right or wrong, it's not the flip flopping of the's none of the stuff w all talk's God's more no less. That is their badge of honor. That's it in a nutshell..whatever you say to them...well, it is the Truth & God's organization but the friends are imperfect. Think about that answer, they defend it because they think it's God's mouthpiece.....Everybody wants to know God personally & say, God told me this or that....Every religion wants to be right. What scares them, is this....THIS JUST MAY NOT BE HIS ORGANIZATION....then they will pass out...Even if one day, they decide to believe in the Trinity....the friends would say well, I don't know but, if the FDS says so, then it must be so. But in their minds they'll say, "What the heck"?...Elite is the mind-set of most witnesses. I live in a certain area, low income but then their are those that are not. You should hear how the friends talk about folks less fortunate, & get this...they live in the same area, but turn their nose up. It's a certain attitude they have...that they feel they are better than everyone that isn't a witness. Kudos to your friend who can see past her nose. Yet, when they give comments it's always about being humble & that's the last thing they are is humble. Most of them try to walk around looking lowly...poor me...they think having low self-esteem is the same as humble. Or even being shy, I don't buy it. That's just for show...most of them not all are mean spirited & yet, when they comment, it's all syrupy.

    So all that to say....It's not anything that blows up a witness skirt more then them thinking they belong to God's only organization...Period. But as they say....GOD IS NOT PARTIAL ONLY WHEN HE CHOOSES HIS MOUTHPIECE...


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