Really weird sentence

by Moses Joe 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Moses Joe
    Moses Joe

    I've been absent from meetings recently because I'm having serious life challenges that make me really not want to have to deal with all of the people and the sitting. I had made an attempt to, "simplify my life" that rather than being blessed was meant with unemployment. lol.

    Anyway, I finally got tired of all the phone calls checking up on me and sent a message to someone explaining that I just wanted to be left alone (an elder). With this email I decided to test the waters and I outlined with scriptures places that are completely contradictory to JW doctrine, like why new light is absurd for instance. I received a response with the included line, "Your self condemning heart is speaking." I have absolutely no earthly idea what that means. I provided clear scriptural backing for my doubts and expected a lot more of a response than that - and regardless of those expectations how am I condemning myself by looking for explanation?

    I feel like it was more a not-so-veiled threat than sentence meant to mean anything. Anyone heare that phrase from an elder before?

  • cantleave

    As has been said many times on here before.......

    It's a cult!

  • quellycatface

    Weird sentence because it's a weird religion, full of weird people. The longer you stay away from the KH, the more you will see that.

    All the best.

  • Paris

    Do not communicate with the Cult. Change your phone number and if possible your name and locate to a different State, or country if possible. Just pack up your car with essential belongings and get out of town and keep driving. Do not look back.

  • Phizzy

    What Paris said.

    This guy, the Elder, is in typical Mind-controlled cult mode, if you say anything that questions the WT/ line, you are being "disloyal in your heart to Jehovah's Organization".

    The irony is that your questions prove that it simply cannot be "Jehovah's Organization", but JW's never perceive when they are locked in to Circular Reasoning.

  • galaxie

    The fundemental reasons you are doubting the JWs religion have I'm sure been strengthened by the elders reply.

    Rather than be sympathetic to your reasoning (even though he doesn't agree ) he chooses to be a company man and condemn you for having YOUR OWN thinking capacity.

    Best wishes to you.

  • Stormcrow

    It's just a sound-bite which translates as, " I don't have to think about what you are saying." It ranks alongside all the pigeon-holes labelled, " Thinker," " Independant Thinker," and using Gollum accent, " MURMURER."

  • This is my tigersuit
    This is my tigersuit

    ditto what paris said. dont say another word to him. dont answer questions. disappear


    Yep! If you can run away, then do so. You have no idea how fast I would be gone, were it not for family. New town, new job, new hair cut, a nice beard perhaps ( never got past the itchy stage because of meetings) maybe a new name.

    I dream every day of just never coming home after work. I am a father, so I can never be free. I will more than likely die in the cult, or kill myself. At 40, I can't imagine living the rest of my life as a dub, yet I don't want to lose my family. So, I soldier on, living a lie day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade. Perhaps I will catch a stray bullet, or save some orphans from a fire before being overtaken by the flames. There is always hope....

    Is that what you want?


  • LisaRose

    Data Dog, I am sorry you feel trapped. After I left I realized leaving wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, so it may not be as impossible as you think. My only regret is that I didn't leave sooner.

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