Herbalife and the Watchtower Comparison, Herba-life is under attack!

by BucketShopBill 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BucketShopBill

    JWs are, I think they are more like "Herba-Drones" it's been on the news as a massive war with a Billionaire who is trying to expose it as a Cult Company.


    Herbalife has it's people believe it's products can extend life (JWs believe their teachings will bring "Everlasting life") and tell you to hit everyone up you know to buy these life-saving products. JWs tell you to preach to your family and workmates, everyone is fair game to Herba-Drones and JW-Drones, nobody is safe unless your a nutritionist (ex-JW with wisdom) who knows they sell a bogus emotion and worthless products.

    Compare Herbalife's active-members with the old Pioneers when you had to pay for your Books. With Herbalife products, you get stuck with a carload or garage load of shit, JW Pioneers had Mags, books (in the 1990s dating back to the 1950s) and other out-of-date literature they got stuck with. Herbalife guilt's their salesmen, beg's them to "take a leap of faith and load up your car with Herbalife products" Who else tells their people to load up on literature and have faith God will help you sell it? Code names in Herbalife, "Your very special, you offer the World hope with these products, the World is sickly ill and our products will save!" JWs are told "You don't work your territory to death, your working it towards life!" JWs get stuck with the tab, the top brass at Herbalife are very rich, they promise the average salesrep, "you too can be rich too!"

    Herbalife has been called a Ponzi Scheme, a Cult, a Cheat by their new members by their fastest growing group, the Latin American Herbalife Sales Reps. Nobody but the Top Dogs at HQ are getting rich, Herba-Drones are encouraged to take on debt to keep a burgeoning inventory, leaving them with ulcers,anxiety,mental anguish and humiliation because the Riches never came! Most end's up on Ebay or Swap Meets discounted below what the Herba-Drones paid for it. JWs are told of all the Spiritual glory and riches that await them in the New System, only if they are patient and keep on pounding the pavement or pushing the Trolleys of literature.

    ired of Cult of Herbalife - YouTube

    ► 5:44► 5:44 www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcXpdOeBNS8 Jan 5, 2014 - Uploaded by AtheistWanderer I'm tired of these Herbadrones and all these "f-ing" "health conscious" motherf%$$ who can't find ...


  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    If you go to Steven Hassan's site freedomofmind.com you will find that Herbalife and Amway are listed as cults. He has a long list of cults and there are also articles about these cults along with some court cases. I found it very interesting and you might too.

  • BucketShopBill

    Aunt Fancy, it's scarry how we were stuck in this Cult and laughed at the Moonies, Mormons and other High Group Mind Control members. Why did we not see we were in a Ponzi Scheme? We laughed at them and they laughed at us, weird stuff!



  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    I know what you mean because before I got baptized I had so many doubts and all through the 30 years I was in but I felt trapped because my whole life was surrounded by the JW's and I knew I would lose everyone and didn't know how to get out of it so I went along.

    When you do research on cults and read about other cults you can connect the dots. That was the main thing that woke me up. I love to read and I very rarely read the WTBTS material but instead did my "worldly" reading. I read maybe 7 books about the FLDS, 6 books on North Korea, a couple about the Amish and a few on Scientology. I saw a theme throughout all of them and then I realized that the JW's were no different and that set me on the path of finding books about the JW's.

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    There was a piece on 60 Minutes or one of the news programs about Herbalife and the link you posted. It was very interesting.

  • BucketShopBill

    I read "Kingdom of the Cults" in the 1989 and stopped attending off and on for a period of time. That book tossed me around, I kept it a secret from my family, I spoke with one of my siblings who knew this was a Cult back in 1975. What if I had figured out this was a Cult back in 1989? Would I have come back to the Organization, was I too young to understand the implications of what Dr. Walter Martin's thoughts were? He had Ray Franz's materials in one of his books, all I could think was "Say it is not so!". I felt so helpless and dead inside back than, now I am happy to see so many people realize along with us, there is hope after this fraud!

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    I am sure you wish you would have listen to that information back then. Sometimes people have to be ready to hear it. My husband and I came out at 56 and 58 years of age and we have done it together. We are just thankful we finally woke up before we spent our whole life in! You are right, we are enjoying life and doing a lot of traveling and fun things together. There definately is life after a cult if you take advantage of all the wonderful things life has to offer.

  • jwfacts

    Every second JW I knew sold Amway, Herbalife, Juiceplus, Usana or some other Ponzi scheme. Obviously being a JW makes a person vulnerable to that type of manipulation, but you would still think that the Watchtower warnings about the greed of the world would make them more cautious to any but their own religious ponzi scheme.

  • AnnOMaly

    Obviously being a JW makes a person vulnerable to that type of manipulation, but you would still think that the Watchtower warnings about the greed of the world would make them more cautious to any but their own religious ponzi scheme.

    Given the constant emphasis on pioneering and being available to go to conventions, assemblies, etc., the idea of being your own boss, being master/mistress of your own time, having a ready-made network of friends in the Org. and the promise of making good money makes the MLM schemes very attractive to the JW.

    Cross-referencing to another current thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/282981/1/Amway#.U_ruQsWwIaI

  • WTWizard

    At least you are only wasting money on Herbalife. Their products are crap, their catalogs don't even give the sizes of many of the products they are trying to sell (I thought it was the law that you had to indicate the package size on the package or in the catalog before selling). I wasted some money in late 2006 on that, only to find that they can't even get the damn sales tax right! You don't collect sales tax based on your state, but the state of the buyer. And what if your state has tax on cosmetics but not supplements? No luck. Thus, I could go no further.

    In theory, their products may help you live healthier. You may lose some weight (and probably gain it back). But, since you are paying uplines, you are paying too much. I have seen even sound products like silver where they have MLMs, and the per-ounce price was well above what I could get at APMEX. With Herbalife, their products are no better than equivalent products at The Vitamin Shoppe, but they are way more expensive. And the upline had to waste plenty of time contacting me to get me started, only to find the legal problems mentioned above.

    But with the washtowel, you are wasting far more than money. You are selling your soul for nothing. Herbalife promises riches (which does help you to attract them but not enough to offset the scam); the washtowel promises to make you throw away your riches (which helps your soul to repel wealth plus wastes such resources). Either way, the benefit given by the promise of wealth is about what you would get if you watch a 15 minute video of someone showing off their silver stash or describing what it will one day be worth.

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