Herbalife and the Watchtower Comparison, Herba-life is under attack!

by BucketShopBill 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    I have done a lot of PT in my day. One of the best was the United States Navy seal workout guide. Why, think about it: they spent untold millions of dollars on a practical physical training program that actually gets results. Guess how many supplements they recommended? Zero!!!

    If memory serves, they found no cool relation between supplements and the physical fitness levels of their participants. It seems that unless you are eating complete crap, food that has no nutritional value at all, you don't really need supplements. I have found that I notice absolutely no difference when I take supplements, and when I don't. In fact, trying to keep up with the latest supplements made me stressed out. I think stress is a silent killer.

    I feel better not worrying about supplements, just like I feel better not worrying about JDubism.


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