Shunning Among the Shunned

by Quendi 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Da.Furious

    Unfortunately this is true. In order to be reinstated you have to be in good standing and behave like a JW, i.e. not bad association. This means talking with a DF'd results in delaying your reinstatement since you are not showing good judgement and talking to bad association.

    Sounds crazy and does not make any sense but this is what actually happens.

  • steve2

    Yes, it is far more common than you'd ever imagine.

    Among the disfellowshipped there appears to be a tacit hierarchy of sinfulness. Those kicked out for addictions have mental health diagnoses on their side. For example, Alcohol Dependence, Alcohol Abuse, etc, next are the White Collar Crimes - allegations or convictions for embezzlement, fraud, next in order of increased sinfulness are the sexual sins, fornication, adultery, homosexuality and the very worst of all? Apostasy - because you not only sin in Jehovah's eyes but willfully repudiate His spirit -guided organization.

    When I was disfellowshipped, a young woman in my congregztion was disfellowshipped for living with another woman. When I said Hi to her when she passed me in the street one day, she turned on me, declaring me to be "evil" for questioning the organization's claims. I was absolutely stunned - but upon reflection shouldn't have been. Many people who are disfellowshipped, continue to believe it's the truth and harbor notions of going back one day. It's a way to cope, to have your "sin" and have the hope of surviving Armageddon too.

    In my view, this hedging-one's-bets duplicity is one if the worst "sins" : Seemingly speaking out against apostasy whilst embracing worldly sins - and deluding oneself into being "better" than other disfellowshipped persons.

  • DwainBowman

    In many some congregation, it will be one of the things they ask about, if your asking to be reinstated. And like Da.Furious said, if your wanting back in, then your association, comes into play!


  • LongHairGal


    The reason they want disfellowshipped people to not speak to anybody (even each other) is that they do not want it to get around that somebody is out because something is wrong with the religion or its policies or doctrines. They want to keep this information under wraps.

    They would rather keep everybody guessing and thinking people are out because they committed fornication/ smoking/drugs, etc. (whether they did or not).

    Also, somebody who is trying to get reinstated is not going to want to be seen talking to somebody who is out. The religion has very strict requirements for people who want to go crawling back.

    Not to get off topic:... but I also noticed that people who dropped out of the religion and lived their whole life doing their own thing (and have no concept of how bad the religion is) will defend the religion and sound all "righteous" when they are talking to somebody who has found out TTATT.

    I agree it is frustrating and the whole thing is sick.

  • clarity

    Seen all this sort of BS! I am not df'd myself but

    got told off by a df sister for smiling & quietly

    saying hi to her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I have also seen how "worldly" friends & family will

    also disappear into the woodwork when an older jw

    leaves wt or gets df'd because............. they know

    wt will abandon that person .......and they don't want

    to 'get stuck' with helping them the exjw is

    doubley screwed over & totally alone!


    Is it any wonder that people just close their mouth

    and just go along with all the crap!


  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    Never saw this personally, although it seems like something that could very easily happen. Df'd with Df'd? What? Is the DF'd person supposed to live in a cave like some kinda hermit?

  • berrygerry

    Two teens who were best friends and schoolmates were df'd at the same time, and could not talk to each other any more.

  • BU2B

    In my neck of the woods it is frowned upon for DF people to talk to other DF people or even have "worldly" friends. I never could grasp this. They are supposed to live in a social solitary confinement of their own making

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    He turned down my invitation saying that the elders had told him that he could not even talk to other disfellowshipped persons unless and until both he and they were reinstated!

    This is a common requirement of the elders. In order for a DF person to "prove" they are repentant they cannot associate with "worldly" people or other DF persons. Associating with these people apparently is clear proof the person still likes the world and does not qualify for reinstatement. Of course they cannot associate with JWs either, so they are in a very real sense put into 'no man's' land.

    It is yet another example of how WT controls a person's life, despite the fact that WT itself no longer even considers the DF person a JW. It is beyond absurd.

    It means that if a DF person wants back into the Org. they cannot have any friends, not even acquaintances, in their life.

  • BU2B

    I have tried to say hello to a DF person and they shunned ME!!! Mind control is so so real.

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