Your "Things That Make You Go Hmmm?" List

by FlyingHighNow 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    The suicide of a brother in our KH who had been counseled and threatened with DFing. He left behind a young wife and three children.

    This is so sad. How many of us know JWs who took their own lives over disfellowshipping?

  • FlyingHighNow

    My computer had to be rebooted and I lost all of the notes about about previous lists. I am reading every list. Some of the things are things I didn't think of while I was in. Some of the things on your lists, I did. My heart brims with empathy for everyone of you.

    Like I mentioned earlier, I have never posted my story here on JWN. Some of my experiences while in the JWs are too painful to revisit. It's easier to accept that they happened and then rarely think about them. Some of it I've mentioned here and there on different topics. I'm just so glad to have waked up and left. I have my doubts that my health could have survived staying in.

  • Ucantnome

    i didn't have one

  • prologos

    You cant know me, but do you know yourself? you might be amazed how good Hmmm sound to the awakening mind, your true self.

    "-- have one YET"


  • SAHS

    The thing that really did it for me was the huge combination of things which just don’t add up! When you think of it, those sure are quite a lot of things that would discredit any organization from being legitimate or trustworthy – but especially one which claims to be the one and only true organization in all the earth!

    It reminds me of that little game with the song which I remember they had on the kid’s show Sesame Street called something like “Which One of These Things Is Just Like the Other?” where they compared different things to see how specific things were similar to other things. For example, a car and a bus are similar and go together because they both transport people on the road, but a pineapple and a typewriter are not similar and thus do not go together or belong with each other. Now, using the analogy of this simple kid’s game and song on Sesame Street, an organization such as the WTS, which claims to be the only “true” religion in all the earth, and the Christianity embodied by the Lord Jesus Christ – those two things would go together or belong with each other about as much as a banana and the planet Mercury. (I.e., they woudn’t by any stetch of the imagination.) That’s right, children – the WTS and the Christianity of Jesus Christ simply do not go together and do not belong with each other.

    So, making the WTS “fit” with, or belong to, the Christianity which began with the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ would certainly not be in any way logical even to those little kids on the show Sesame Street playing that little game “Which One of These Things Is Just Like the Other?” Those two things are obviously dissimilar to any young child – so, no wonder us adults have no trouble at all seeing the difference. Most simply put, they just don’t add up. . . . . Hmmm.

  • stuckinarut2

    One of the best threads ever! Thanks to the OP

    Yes, amongst the MANY things that made me wake up was the constant jabbering about "jehovahs's united people etc"

    What they meant was:

    we expect UNIFORMITY which is different to UNITY!

  • FlyingHighNow

    One of the best threads ever! Thanks to the OP

    It's been good reading everyone's lists and comments.

    Yes, amongst the MANY things that made me wake up was the constant jabbering about "jehovahs's united people etc"

    What they meant was:

    we expect UNIFORMITY which is different to UNITY!

    I remember being so impressed with the scripture they used to support this: "Fitly united in one line of thought." It's profound of you to realize how this entrapped us. When they brag about this scripture, a new person doesn't understand that someday, he or she may be kicked out and shunned over the most innocent questions and doubts.

  • love2Bworldly

    Killing of millions of babies & children in worldly families by God but if you die before Armageddon you get resurrected

    spanking babies for cooing at meetings

    discouraging activities such as coloring during the meeting to keep kids quiet

    being taught that it's better to associate with only JWs even if they are of questionable character

    turning in an hourly preaching report

    Im sure I have many more, that's just off the top of my head

  • love2Bworldly

    Also-- the reasons for not masturbating never made any sense to me

  • sparky1

    Stuckinarut2 that is a great observation about Jehovahs United People. I have a Mennonite business associate who is convinced that Mennonites have the TRUTH because they are all "Fitly united in one line of thought'. He is a born in and sometimes I think that I am speaking with a JW when we have conversations.'s deja vu all over again!

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