Are we nitpicking???

by jam 20 Replies latest social humour

  • jam

    JW's walk like this, they eat this way, they look like this,

    they have sex this way (lol), they talk this way and etc.

    Are we excessively concerned with or critical of inconsequential


    Speaking for myself, I'am. Maybe that is not good but I

    have become proficient in recognizing JW's.(LOL)

    But what do I get out of it...

    Some may say, move on. But when you have familiy still in,

    it's not that easy.

    The nitpicking to me is not inconsequential with JW's, they

    ask for it. Every word that come out of their(GB) mouth, needs

    to be picked apart. If that's nitpicking so be it.....

  • sparrowdown

    This "spot the JW trait" "syndrome" (if you like) is something only truly understandable to someone who has

    "been there done that, and got the t-shirt".

    Even the therapist I needed after stopping going to meetings didn't really get

    my borderline obsession with JW-ness.

    But the truth is (pardon the pun) the WTosophy really weasles it's way into your psyche, and it can take some time of

    serious debriefing to get them out of your f#ckin head!

    Some will be stuck there for life.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I can't begin to explain the process but I can spot Bethelites immediately. There is something strange about t heir garb and posture. Of course, I am aware of Bethel's location. Manhattan has so many eccentric people, too!

    They are not fashion forward but they also don't wear Amish clothing. Maybe it is the arrogance that they are going to teach educated people something. Beats me.

  • millie210

    Well they are where we learned to micro analyze everything from Greek verbs to words in the superlative, what holidays really mean and why you cant say God Bless when there is a sneeze etc etc etc.

    So I would say that since they honed our senses, who better to use them on?

  • jam

    I happy to see I'm not the only one. That cult just mess up

    your mind...Damn dip sh---ts........My nightmare, JW's everywhere

    singing Kingdom songs....

  • JWdaughter

    Some among us here are particularly nitpicky, but some are bitterly, particularly nitpicky. I'd watch out for the bitterness-it scars hearts, but the nitpicky stuff? Really, they ask for it. They constantly TRY to distinguish themselves and it is safe to say that many have done so to the nth degree! They are constantly pointing their own fingers at themselves saying "see how good we are" so we look and we see really, what they are. For the better (some JWs are great and not stamped out clones) and the worse (the clones or the even worse ones)

  • J.C.

    If we are nitpicking .... Then do we not become just like them ???

  • OneEyedJoe

    It definitely plays into the WTS description of an apostate being obsessed with debates about words (formerly mentally diseased) but I think it's just that we've bottled up all of our tiny complaints for so long that once the floodgates open, everything flows fourth.

  • jam

    Good question, the reason for the topic.. It does seem childish.

    But they started it (lol), we just wanted to walk away.

    Maybe someone else can answer your question. But

    I'm a nitpicker when it comes to the GB......My family believe

    that stuff.....

  • cultBgone

    Not necessarily nitpicking...more like microbursts of venting. I think at some point we all run out of steam because they're just not that interesting anymore. But everyone vents at their own pace, so enjoy!

    And you have to admit, so much of the behavior is just nutty that it's still hard to believe We Did That!

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