Why Do Witnesses Promote A Unhealthy Lifestyle, My COBE weighs 340lbs (5ft 7in).

by BucketShopBill 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    The sisters who were foster mothers were obese. I believe it reflected their lifestyle both before and after the Witnesses. Any activity at school had to be kept a secret. My brother won a letter in track. He has cerebral palsy. I admired his example. It was the days before Title IX. Girls had few outlets. The boys had so many. I don't want people who are heavy being social outcasts.

  • rebel8

    So many normal recreational activities are prohibited, like dancing and sports, so what do dubs do to have fun? Eat.

    Dubology does not teach respect for the earth or body here and now. jehoopla is going to make it all new and perfect in the future. Focusing on the now means you lack faith.


    If GOD gave us life, that Eldub is showing a gross disrespect for the gift. The thinking that "Jesus will fix it" is another dangerous JW delusion. Nowhere in the scrolls called the Bible is any human promised something for nothing. It's simply not a "Bible" teaching.

    These poor Watchtards don't know how to take responsibility for their lives. They have been told their whole life to give to Jeehoober, which means serve the ORG. Think of all sick pioneers who never take a break like a normal human. Why do they ignore the normal signs of exhaustion?? Jeehoober (WTBTS) wants you to.

    I actually know a Pioneer Sister who died because she wouldn't slow down. She would routinely show up for service, sick, coughing, even vomiting. Ironically, she was in the health care field. She is just one of many dubs who have been made to feel that taking time for oneself is selfish. The GB don't give a damn about the sheep. If they did, they would help the dubs life a healthy life now.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the real powers behind the WTBTS can't wait for the older dubs to die off as part of thinning the flock. Perhaps they will modernize even more after the current GB kick the bucket. They can start encouraging dubs to work out. They can even have a special health page on JW.ORG!! Little Caleb and Sophia can have workout videos for the kids. Nothing that interferes with service of course.


  • kaik

    When I did field service with elders, we did hiked a lot through the mountains and woods to go from village to village. In the woods we shared different biblical verses and things about life. However, my fanatical JW aunt did not liked it and complained that we waste too much time in between villages and do not use bus to cut a time. I knew JWs who go to countryside by car, spread out through village, meet in couple hours, drive to another.. no movement required. They move less than tranquilized turtle.

  • daringhart13
  • rjharris

    I have seen this as well in my more than 30 years as a JW (disassociated).

    More dangerous is the mental damage done. Mental impairment and in many cases mental illness is spawned within the organization. Yet, to be fair to the Watch Tower, this mental impairment and illness is seen in ALL of what men affectionately call "Christianity." I will not go into Islam and the other religious systems as it is rife their too.

    Persons once curious, examining, questioning, challenging, reasoning and thinking are soon turned into persons who no longer think for themselves or question the organization or even reason with others. Like the body that lacks good nutrition and exercise cause it to become degraded and unhealth, so is the faculty of thinking - the exercise of the mind - taken away and the mind is impacted to where it does not function as God intended it to: To question, to think, to reason, to conclude. Not to have someone do those things for us. If one allows someone to do these things for them, then the conclusion is not their own.

    The Apostle John at 1 John 4:1 shows that ALL expressions (utterances) are to be examined (tested) as to their truthfulness and having come from God. That Scripture does not say that the individual is supposed to surrender such testing to someone else. The individual is to conduct such testing.

    "Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God, because many false prophets have gone forth into the world."

    I long understood why the WTBTS exempts itself from such testing by its membership: It is because it has been concealing the truth. It has been elusive. Any such examination of it would reveal this. It is for that reason that it threatens disfellowshipment of those who question or challenge it and who develop doubts about a matter or a teaching that comes out of the WTBTS.

    If what ANY religious organization is the truth, there should be no fear of such examination. In fact, there should be a welcoming of it.

    The WTBTS conveniently threatens what will happen to those caught speaking with DFd ones or persons "it" labels for everyone else as apostate. Or banning the reading of certain literature that it calls apostate. (Anyone reading C.T. Russells writing would conclude that he would sound like the WT definition of aposate. I believe it is for that reason we do not see his publications in the WT library. Think about that: The founder of the WTBTS would sound like an apostate by "the organizations" definition.)

    The reason why so many in ALL religion have been throughly misled and no where near the truth about God and His Messiah is because they are all locked into systems of (false) worship that do not come from God; they come from the world of mankind.

    The most telling thing that this statement is true is that all one has to do is look how men have taken what they have NEVER seen and CANNOT see and made it earthly or human. (Heaven, Angels, Christ, God). The portrayals are right there to be seen in art, film and literature.

    The whole world and its religions are a BIG LIE and they fake love and concern for other. It is false and not sincere.

    "If anyone makes the statement: “I love God,” and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot be loving God, whom he has not seen."

    R. Jerome Harrise-Prophetic.com

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    At my peak of dubdum I was a bloated 290lbs at 5'10". I left in 2010 and stopped self medicating with food to address my anxiety/stress-of-trying-to-please-everyone/stay-at-home-and-eat-because-there-is-nothing-else-I-am-allowed-to-do syndrome. I am now 228 and on my way to a target of 210, enjoy eating very well, enjoy just taking a damn walk on Saturday morning, Sunday at 1pm and Wednesday evening or whenever I feel like it.

    Many are on anti-depressants and Prozac derivatives to combat what the religion does to you (nothing against ones taking these medications when they can'ty control what affects them) others like me and my wife used food, others use alcohol and I know of some that were drug users while dubs but gave it up after leaving. My retired Dr said he had a significant amount of dubs that were heavily medicated or were alcoholics - way more than the background percentage of the population should show otherwise.

    Love of God and his love of us would never hurt anyone - its what religion does that hurts.

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    Gluttony is still a DF offence.

  • LisaRose

    I have never heard of anyone being disfellowshipped for gluttony. It's probably a hard thing to prove, many overweight people have health issues that may have contributed to their problem, although usually its just a case of eating too much/the wrong food/ inactivity. Then they would have to find three brothers who were not overweight and didn't have overweight wives, probably an impossible task. I always felt that being obese should disqualify you from being an elder, but should not be a disfellowshiping offence.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    I've never heard of anyone being disfellowshipped for gluttony either...

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