Thoughts on the new 'God's Kingdom Rules!' book

by sd-7 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Oubliette

    NWT: Thanks for the chart Oubliette.

    You're welcome. I kind of think the society used mine to create theirs. Mine has more details and is easier to understand. But theirs has the advantage of being more vague and, as a result, gives them more room to change it in the future.

    Overlapping Generation

    God's Kingdom Rules! (2014) pp.11-12

    I also like my colors better. As someone else pointed out (this graphic has been reposted a lot on JWN), in this chart makes the anointed look like some kind of smeared shit stain, a skidmark in your undies!

  • Apognophos

    I honestly just don't know how people's eyes can't be opened by this. It's such a blatantly desperate attempt to explain the dying off of the 1914 generation.

  • prologos

    from the notes in the margin of my krE book: with franz as the keystone model,

    he was 20 when he was baptized=anointed. in 1914;

    he died in 1992.--

    A 20 year old, getting his heavenly hopes up then, (you can't reach for the top unless you are anointed),

    would be born in 1972 , in the second group. If he lived to the same age as our keystone figure, F Franz, that

    brings us to 2071.

    2071 that is a looong block to 'just around the next corner'. and

    just 4 years short to start the next 100 year WT campaign,

    celebrating 100 years since the 1975 excitement.

    The deception in that illustration: The overlap of franz is 20% the overlap shown of group 2 is 80%

  • This is my tigersuit
    This is my tigersuit

    we threw our copies out into the trash today. whitewashed propaganda!

  • steve2

    The light's getting brighter, my ar*e!

    When your predictions don't come true when you assert they will, you've got some explaining to do.

    And because you've got to change aspects of what you had earlier asserted, it will look like you're "improving" when in fact at most you're now a tad more measured in what you assert. If anything, the light you claim is getting brighter is just the spotlight of scrutiny your arrogance attracts.

    The current "overlapping generations" has the dubious distinction, though, of not only being more measured, but also more desperately convoluted.

  • baldeagle


  • carla

    I can't get past the title of the book- "God's Kingdom Rules!" really? that is the title? Like my XYZ Team Rules! boys rule man, who says that anymore? Or do they mean God's rules as in the 10 commandments? or do they mean God is the ruler? in that case if they are talking to those who already believe in God it is rather silly. Thank you Caption Obvious.

    "One wonders if they believe in Jesus Christ at all with a statement like that, because it sounds an awful lot like The Watchtower is more powerful than Jesus."- I have asked my jw this many times, he responds with blustering and saying of course they believe in Jesus but never can say exactly who has more power Jesus or the wt, or not in so many words anyway. Gives me some long winded nonsense that makes no sense. Glad I have not had a jw discussion in quite some time with him! Feels good not keep hitting my head against that wall.

  • hamsterbait

    I love "In Search of Christian Freedom" - Ray demolishes all the chronology shite and exposes their squirming to hide the lies and silence the people with brains and courage enough to speak out to expose them for the Charlatans that they are.

    And now the Gibbering Buddies are trying to be high profile in the "days ahead" - seeking the glory they claim only apostates seek.


  • Splash

    Unfortunately there is an error in oubliettes chart, which prologos refers to.

    The overarching label "The Overlapping Generation" actually starts and ends only on the first group. To truly delineate the end of the overlapping generation it would have to end in the 2070's, at the end of the second group.

    And if we are getting into details, there's an earlier group of anointed which pre-date those who pass through 1914, eg the apostles.

    This brings to number of groups to 4.


  • Apognophos

    I agree that the chart should not have terminated the overlapping generation at 1992, it misses the whole point that the overlap is what allows the Society to say that the end is still in the future, because that generation cannot die out before the end comes.

    I don't think the pre-1914 anointed should be a "group"; first of all, it's not really relevant to the subject of 'seeing 1914', and secondly, the Society doesn't even seem to know if there were continual generations of anointed throughout the centuries or if all anointing was put on hold around the end of the first century.

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