by Terry 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • bemused

    Thanks Terry, this is really helpful. Unfortunately many Witnesses will play the 'new light' card (although how that can explain the UN thing I don't know). Mind you, if new light is ongoing, all current teachings might be wrong. I used that one once on a new lighter and got the old rabbit in the headlights look.

  • NotNew

    thanks, Terry... who can dispute the facts given? No one can!

    That's what makes post like this valuable, the info is from those that say "we never said that".

    It saddens me that like myself...millions put their hope, faith, and trust in the WTS teachings.

    Lives lost, opportunities not taken and many with little time left to undo the affects of misplaced trust.


  • Finkelstein

    Being that the WTS heads (GB) have taken the position of stating that god solemnly directs his holy spirit to them alone

    and was exclusively chosen by him as his earthly arrangement under Christ .... Bla Bla Bla.

    They have to be watchful that certain information doesn't get out, that includes being selective to the

    information they put out in articles, this inacts all forwarding deceptions from being openly identified.

    God's chosen earthly organization would never be intensionally deceptive would it now ?


    The WTBTS wants to EAT their cake and HAVE it too. You must HAVE your cake in order to EAT it, as you cannot EAT what you do not HAVE. On the other hand, it is entirely impossible to EAT your cake and still HAVE it. Furthermore, they want to shove it down your throat, and have you pay for it.

    They want respect as the mouthpiece of GOD, but want to hide behind the shield of fallibility. They want concessions to be made for their errors, while simultaneously demanding unquestioning loyalty from humans. They want to be right, while being wrong. They make the claim of being "THE TRUTH" while knowingly printing and teaching ideas and speculations. They claim "spirit direction" yet deny being inspired. They want the status of a prophet, without the responsibility that goes with the title.

    They want it both ways, but it can't be. They NEVER had any cake to share with anyone. They just had invisible crumbs, leftovers from the spiritual bakers who proceeded them. They gathered invisible crumbs, leftovers of "truth" from those who failed before them and now they are feeding it to YOU.

    For over 100 years they have been serving non-existent cake to the hungry. " GOD gave us this cake! We are the sole distributors of this cake! Obeying us is equal to obeying GOD!!", say the WTBTS Leaders. YOU can have the cake that leads to eternal life...for a small fee, YOUR SOUL!!

    WAKE UP. YOU ARE PAYING FOR SOMETHING THAT DOES NOT EXIST. Why pay for what is not bread?? ( Isaiah 55:2) "LET THE EAT CAKE!!!", says the GB!


  • Apognophos
  • Finkelstein


    Nice analysis !

    They do sell speculation and command absolute sovereignty from that food of commercially inspired information.

    If you reject their speculative opinions, your ostracized as being spiritual weak and therefore prone to be destroyed at Armageddon

    by their own propagations.


    You really end up with a mixed bag of counter opposing issues when you proclaim that Jehovah is directing your organization alone but your

    spirit directed teachings are apparently recognized as being fraudulently commercial in nature and deceptive in their intent.


    How the WTS. leaders hold on to their adhering members is to staunchly proclaim that their version is still the purest form of worship

    capable of saving lives and most JWs still believe that whole heartedly, in spite of the occurrence of false predictions and cultivated doctrines

    which were inherently created to spur the proliferation of the organization's publications.

  • b00mslang


    Was that supposed to be a Portal Vid?

    It's a great game but it makes me pine for some HL3. Dying to see if GLaDOS is on the Borealis. Replayed all of them last month (HL, Opposing Force, Blue Shift, Uplink, HL2, Ep1, Ep2). Might replay Azure Sheep and Todesangst (SP mods).

  • Apognophos

    Hmm? "Supposed to be"? Did it not play? It's a "the cake is a lie" video, so yes, it is a Portal video. I almost feel bad referencing such a "done" meme, but I thought it was a golden opportunity.


    "Let THEM eat cake, not "the"!!!! Damn I-phone tiny keyboard!!!!


  • SAHS

    “Finkelstein”: “. . . strong arm tactics to make sure everyone agrees and answers yes. . . Read the information, then read the question that has the answer within the information, walk out of the Kingdom Hall spiritually brainwashed.”

    This sure brings to mind the famous psychology experiment by Solomon Asch, which demonstrated the power of conformity in groups:

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