by Terry 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finkelstein

    What the WTS wants is have their cake and eat it too.

    They want and enforce non-repudiation from its professed doctrines but at the same time also want the

    capability to say well we're just imperfect men if something goes wrong later on.

    Which in reality lies the problematic inherent corruption of this religious organization and to a further

    extent pretty much all religious organizations.

    One should only look at the no vaccination, organ transplant or blood transfusion policy made by the

    WTS. leaders, frivolously devised doctrines that killed thousands from what would come to be

    recognized as simple amateur bible theology.


    The result of poorly educated men playing god or with the power of god as alway proven to have dire consequences.

  • SAHS

    To “Terry”:

    Excellent synopsis of the long-standing failures of the WTS, as evidenced by that all-pervasive thing – what is it? Oh, yes, LOGIC.

    “A person might renounce his place in the Christian congregation by his actions, such as becoming part of an organisation whose objective is contrary to the Bible, and hence is under judgement by Jehovah God.”

    Oh, my God! Can anybody say “UN membership?”

    Excellent exposé, Terry. That should tell the story for anyone.

  • Vanderhoven7


  • Vanderhoven7


  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Thank you for these facts & quotes, Terry.

    You made them easy to see, simple to discern, and organized in a way to make an impact. Just the way I like!

    I know it takes a lot of hours and work, I hope to be able to use them,


    cha ching!

  • cha ching
  • smiddy

    Thanks for that post terry , I remember when I first came on this site some 7 years ago , I could not beleive the WT /UN posts on here , even after leaving the religion some 20 years ago , no way would they have any connection at all with the UN .

    Didnt they say at one time that the UN was" The Counterfeit kingdom of God" ? that the world being under the control of Satan the Devil ,established it in opposition to the Kingship of Jesus / Jehovah ?

    I have printed out that section , and will confront the next JW who comes to my door with it .

    I`ll probably get a glassy eyed look though .


  • Heartofaboy

    I always enjoy your posts Terry, you put into words what I can't be arsed to do.

  • EdenOne


  • Terry

    In my mind, I've always envisioned a book solely consisting of photographic samples, direct from the Society's publications which--when arranged,

    tell the tale of duplicity start to finish and completely without commentary.

    Page after page, clear as morning in Tahiti--bright sunlight shining on the sludge which is Watchtower "light."

    All the parsing of doctrine taking place on YouTube by Ex-JW's is--in my opinion--the spreading of peacock feathers.

    The end result can only be one goal--START A JW THINKING by SEEING.

    The WTS have woven a sticky web. They are trapped in their own creation in black and white like that Jurassic mosquito in amber.

    All we really need do is GET OUT OF OUR OWN WAY and let them--in their own writings--reveal themselves for what they are:

    1. Absolutely Certain God speaks through them without being able to explain why God always hands them the shit end of the stick.

    2. Pompous in their unending cries of humility

    3. Outrageously defiant in crafting their back-peddled deconstructions/reconstructions of the same nonsense.

    4. Confused about everything while calling it "further study."

    5. Witless about the tortured path of the WTS' own history; always turning belly-flops into pretzel-logic explanations.

    6. Self-aggrandizing as they inexorably fashion themselves into golden calves to be idolized by 7 million blank-eyed sock-puppets.

    7. Cold-hearted in their contempt for the families they've shredded, hearts they've broken and minds they've addled with their endless psychopathy.

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