Freaking out a Jehovah's Witness

by jgnat 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vidiot

    jgnat - "It messes with the Witness view of a rapidly declining imperfect world, soon to be replaced by a (perfect) divine one. It is pretty disturbing if humanity appears to be getting there without the help of magazines."

    Oh, yeah; the vast majority have no idea how to deal with news about Satan's World accomplishing something that was supposed to happen in the New System.

  • ABibleStudent

    jgnat - Can you give some examples of overcoming the platitiudes, ABibleStudent? Off the top of my head, I'd try to appeal to their empathy, get them thinking outside themselves. As in, "Really? Put yourself in our neighbour's shoes for a moment. Do you think that Harry is hopelessly condemned?"

    Hi jgnat, To overcome thought-stopping platitudes ask short and simple questions that question the validity of the platitude. Depending on the situation, you can ask direct questions or stealth questions like Billy the Ex-Bethelite wrote about in exJW Psychology 102--How to Ask a Question When Questions Aren't Allowed.

    The following are examples of overcoming thougth-stopping platitudes that I have written on other threads:

    "Where else would we go?" platitude:

    Don't you mean, " to whom shall we go ?" Simon-Peter answered that rhetorical question in John 6:60-70 when he said "(Lord) You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”

    Why do ask "Where else will we go?" (wait for a JW's answer)

    Do you follow teachings and examples of organizations made by men or the teachings and examples of Jesus Christ?

    "They are the channel God is using." platitude:

    (Must say in an innocent and inquirying tone of voice)

    "How do I respond to Christians, who say, "How can JWs follow God's Greatest Commandment to ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’? If the Watchtower requires JWs to blindly follow the Watchtower’s leaders, how are JWs able to follow the teachings and examples of Jesus Christ when it differs from the Watchtower teachings to fulfill God’s Greatest Commandment?”

    (Pause for JWs to respond)

    “Please help me to find Scriptures where Jesus Christ condones shunning and not associating with non-believers. I need scriptures to counter what is written in Mt 15:21-28, Mt 22:37-40, John 6:60-70 to prove to Christians that the Watchtower does have the “Truth” and does follow the teachings and examples of Jesus Christ. How can I save other people, when they say that JWs are like the Jews in Mt 15:1-20, who do not use their minds, do not follow the Holy Spirit that God gave each of us, and instead blindly follow blind guides?”

    "The End must be soon, because there are sooo many earthquakes (or another natural disaster, war, grisley murder, etc)" platitude:

    Are there more earthquakes, natural disasters, deaths from war, and violent crimes? Have you done any independent research using the internet to justify your belief? . . . (pause for JW to respond) I have. I learned (insert what you learned).

    "The light keeps getting brighter!" platitude

    If God is perfect and doesn't change, how can the light get brighter by the Watchtower changing its doctrines? Have you read James 1:16-18? Have you critically thought about and researched the WTBTS history and "New Light"? . . . (pause for JW to respond) I have. How can the Watchtower be God's organization on earth with its flip-flopping changes in doctrine?

    "Millions Now Living Will Live Forever! (and Billions of non-JWs will die!)" platitude:

    Don't you mean billions will live forever in the spirit? According to 1 John 2:1-2, Jesus Christ sacrifice atoned for the sins of the whole world. . . . (pause for JW's response) Why would God kill Billions of non-JWs and only save JWs?

    You can read how to overcome other thought-stopping platitudes or WTBTS slogans by other JWN members in the thread For JWs: Bible Verses Contradict Watchtower. How would you overcome the following thought-stopping platitudes?

    1. "They (GB) are just imperfect men."
    2. ""True Christians" need an organization to lead them" (or someting similiar)
    3. "We are waiting on Jehovah."
    4. "Only JWs do life-saving work by preaching door-to-door like 1st Century Christians."
    5. "JWs are the happiest (or most loving, most trust-worthy, most caring, most giving, etc.) people in the world."
    6. "All JWs behave the same."
    7. "JWs are the most knowlegable about the Bible." (or something similiar)
    8. "The End is soo sooon."

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • jgnat

    About that "signs of the times" stuff, hubby often quotes Matthew 24:38, "people will be eating, drinking, marrying and given in marriage..." I have asked, "Are we supposed to stop eating, then? Isn't this simply describing what people have always done since the beginning of time?"

  • jgnat

    Stirred, are you talking about Terry's working list?

  • Stirred


    Yes and any list that proves the signs as stated are not worsening. However, i have very limited time and would appreciate references? My extra time is used looking here, attending classes, reading ISOCF and prepping to find a job/ work and new network of friends in new location.

    also, I agree about your understanding about Matt 24:38, but context is that they/ we would be going on as normal when end falla uponn them.

  • DocHouse
  • DocHouse

    I am FAR from being a Negative person- but FACTS are still FACTS.

    Denial, as I see here, only fools yourself.

  • OneEyedJoe

    What facts are those DH? You gave a list of excuses for the FACTS. My favorite is "To think crime is reducing is to be an idiot." You don't even try to provide a fact contrary to the statement above, you just plug your ears and say "yeah, well you're stupid" and run away.

    I wish nothing but the best for you, but I do hope one day that you'll wake up to the facts, and I hope it goes as gently as possible.

  • sir82

    DocHouse's response, with 0 citations to back up his claims, is the internet equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and chanting "La la la LA LA LA!!! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!"

  • Apognophos

    I too look forward to the coming of Goid's Kingdom.

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