United Nations churches.

by Ignoranceisbliss 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    lol My comment pertains to the OP's second paragraph... about the big birds. lol lol

    Way back in 1970 (lol , back in the covered wagon days) I went along with my SIL on one of her Bible studies in the 25 cent Truth® book. My high school valedictorian SIL told her study this fact "Did you know that scavenger birds are increasing in number?" with great authority in her voice. Because she had been a valedictorian and I had not, lol, I believed everything she said. lol

    LoisLane wrote a letter in 1970, to a special pioneer sister who had moved to the need greater area of Catholic Quebec, and shared with her this emphatic "truth" about the "did you know scavenger birds are... ". Yes, I did. At that pre-1975 herald of Armageddon is coming, are you giving YHWH your all? with nothing, of course happening, except WT scaring us so that we would continue to be their unpaid drones and give them our time and money so they could continue to be a publishing house business.

    Years later, someone told me they had heard this same story from their Aunt, who had been a school teacher, telling JW's with great authority, what she had heard from Quebec! lol lol lol By this time, LoisLane had learned to keep her mouth shut.

    LL (not Bean)

    PS ------> As far as I know, the above story started in 1970. I never heard the 1992 version. lol

  • Ignoranceisbliss

    LLFS. It is funny how the same stories get circulated over and over. It's the same old rigmarole .

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