Why so many Jehovah's Witnesses are SO badly SEXUALLY SCREWED-UP

by Focus 23 Replies latest members adult

  • NewYork44M

    The apostatechick did a great funny video exposing the weirdness of jw's dating practices. Based upon the comments, this is a relevant video:


  • HeyThere

    She is hilarious...and honest. Lmao

  • LisaRose

    So many good quotes here.

    A few of my favorites:

    Perhaps Johnny can't read or write because his teachers are too busy indoctrinating him with the 'normality' of sexual perversions..

    I must have missed the class on sexual perversions....

    the assembly program .. considered the problem of masturbation.. it was shown that it is a bad practice that can cause much harm. It can lead to homosexuality.

    If that were the case, there would be no male heterosexuals in the world, because most men have engaged in it at some point.

    By all means stay away from sexy stage plays and moving pictures. Be selective about the television programs you watch. Never read pornographic literature. Flee 'necking' and especially 'petting' as you would the plague!

    Oh, those "sexy plays", gotta watch out for them.

  • pronomono

    So this explains why I'm so messed up.......

    I was surprised by the graphic rape scenarios they printed. I guess they don't limit questioning on what happened to in the back room; they used to print it too!

    Thanks Focus.

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