The Complete Scammer's Guide - by "Pastor" Russell (New Light!)

by Focus 109 Replies latest jw friends

  • Focus

    EdenOne, dear brother - I sincerely hope I have not offended you in any way by my robust talk. But I have a Kingdom-preaching and disciple-making role, and for this to be performed without undue pandemonium, disturbed by the cries of infants and other undesirables, someone has to keep the congregation clean. Reluctantly, I have accepted this mantle. After all:

    Savages and Maniacs Taken To Heaven? If heaven were made the receptacle of the heathen, savages, barbarians, the idiotic, simple, insane and infants, it would cease to be heaven to a considerable extent, and become a pandemonium.. billions of ignorant, imbecile and degraded .. never formed characters [not] fit companions for saints

    - Zion's Watchtower, August 15 1896, p245

    Yes, I am The List's sole author and compiler. I ejected its first edition into the net (specifically, usenet, not part of the web - usenet came first) in a post with the following headers:

    Path: PRIVACY SNIP!!!kiowa!!!!mail2news-x2!mail2news
    Date: 7 Jul 1999 13:32:23 -0000
    Subject: Comprehensive List of Predictions by Jehovah's Witnesses - PLEASE HELP
    CC: [email protected], [email protected]
    Newsgroups: alt.religion.jehovahs-witn,alt.religion.watchtower.judicial
    X-No-Archive: yes
    Message-ID: <[email protected]>
    Sender: Secret Squirrel <[email protected]>
    Comments: Please report problems with this automated remailing service to <[email protected]>. The message sender's identity is unknown, unlogged, and not replyable.
    From: [email protected] (Prominent Bethelite )
    Mail-To-News-Contact: [email protected]
    Organization: [email protected]
    Lines: 1831

    If you know how to look, you'll find it still. Nothing on the internet really dies. I use the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's cloaking mail2news server to eject my work into cyberspace. A curious coincidence is how AlanF (Alan Feuerbacher) and myself are each linked to M.I.T.

    Randall Watters picked it up from there, but as I published 7 versions of it in quick succession, he wisely took only the last one (the seventh version, an antitype of The Finished Mystery) and built it into the heart of freeminds, which was already an excellent resource.

    I was happy for this to happen, as this disseminated the work of my Blood-Sibling, Prominent Bethelite more widely. I'd specifically and explicitly disclaimed copyright by ending the first and some subsequent versions with:

    This is a Draft. NOT (c) Prominent Bethelite 1999

    After all, the purpose was to utterly damn the Watchtower by its own words. Its words were often its copyright, and I was using the "Fair Use" exception of which Mr Mosier (aka "quotes", who may well have taken my List as his starting point - if so, he was welcome! A really good person, Peter)

    Many others did too, and a host of derivative works began to came out - just as I'd hoped.

    So you see why these pokes, by assorted "Spiritual Pimps" about my intellectual honesty are met with in such a manner. Indeed, the RL consequences of his repeated transgressions are soon to impact the RL of the principal offender. All as per ""prophecy"".

    It is FULLY IN ACCORDANCE with the teachings of the WATCHTOWER Bible &
    Tract Society (WTBTS) for every member of JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES to Carefully
    Study the LIST mentioned above, which comprises truly fine scriptural food
    from its own publications. Remember the WTBTS told you to confirm whether
    what was taught by the WTBTS was in harmony with the Bible - and if not,
    not to circulate it {WT Mar 1 1894 repr p1629}, to confirm WT teachings
    against the Bible {WT May 1 1934 p131}, to invite critical examination of
    your faith {WT Aug 15 1950 p263}, that, far from being wrong, it is your
    duty to examine religion to see if it is true or false {WT Nov 15 1963
    p688}, that you should actively examine your own religion {The Truth That
    Leads To Eternal Life 1968 p13, a WTBTS publication}, that you should check
    and examine BOTH sides of a matter {Awake! Oct 22 1973 p6}, that your
    religion was in no way afraid of being exposed to scrutiny {WT Aug 1 1978
    p12}, that you should to be willing to submit everything to scrutiny
    {Awake! Aug 22 1984 p22/28}, that you should not have a closed mind {WT Nov
    22 1984 p3-4}, that you should actively refer to the older publications {WT
    Jun 15 1985 p12}, that all people are encouraged to examine other religions
    and with an open mind {WT Apr 1 1991 p17} and that you are encouraged to
    exhibit freedom of thought {Awake! Jun 8 1994 p21}. So, please follow this
    advice of the WTBTS, and study that LIST very carefully. "You will know the
    Truth and the Truth will set you free."(John 8:32). Fine advice indeed!

    {WT Dec 1 1990 p19}, where it quotes {WT Dec 15 1914 p377-8}: "If any one
    knows anything better, let him take it. If any of you ever find anything
    better, we hope you will tell us." Kindly, Prominent Bethelite has duly
    obliged. Having read it, if you find the WTBTS has ever told falsehoods,
    follow the WTBTS advice clearly given in {WT Dec 1 1991 p7} "A religion
    that teaches lies cannot be true."; if you find the WTBTS has even made one
    false prophecy, follow the WTBTS advice clearly given in {WT Feb 1 1992 p3}
    "Beware of False Prophets!" - and cut yourself off from these Foul Cheats.

    I - and no one else - now have my further developed "List", which is approximately 50 (yes, fifty) times bigger than the original. It carries on the same style, and with similar content, but with (on average) longer commentaries by me and far more quotations.

    It will have to be pruned somewhat - it is just too big, otherwise. But it is much more incisive than the predecessor which you have praised. After all, its purpose is to savagely execute the evil Whore. Its time will come.

    In recognition, EdenOne, that you are one of the good guys, having received "New Light" ((c) Prominent Bethelite), I had in mind revenge on behalf of victims of the Watchtower Cult such as yourself when I prepared this latest thread:

    "Focus sends his LOVE to the GOVERNING BODY, senior OVERSEERS, etc."

    Now in this thread, by the time I am unmuzzled by the quota-software, I should have ready my expose on Maria Russell and her help offered to J.J. Ross...



    ("The Time Is (Imminently) To Hand - a WTS publication" Class)

  • Focus


    FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1913.


    "Pastor" Tried to Have Hamilton Minister Indicted for Criminal Libel.


    Mrs. Russell Was in Court to Testify for the Rev. Mr. Ross.

    (Special to The Eagle)

    Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. April 4 - After failing to get an Indictment for criminal libel against the Rev. J.J. Ross, the Baptist clergyman who published a pamphlet concerning the private life of "Pastor" Russell, the Brooklyn preacher left today for Ottawa, where he said he had an engagement. He declined to comment on the outcome of the case. According to one of his followers. who attended court with the "pastor," a civil suit will be instituted against the local clergyman at once.

    The finding of "No bill" by the Grand Jury was expected, in view of the address of Justice Middleton, in which he quoted an opinion of Lord Justice (Abridge to the effect that "Pastor" Russell could not have been libeled, criminally, not being a resident, as a criminal libel must necessarily involve a disturbance of the peace. The opinion on which the Rev. Mr. Ross was discharged was quoted from the Times Law Reports. George Lynch Staunton, K.C., was the counsel for the defense, and with him was associated A. M. Lewis.

    The law report on the strength of which Justice Middleton addressed the Grand Jury was as follows: "Wood vs. Cox. A Jockey accused of pulling a horse. Lord Coleridge, June 29, 1888. 'A criminal prosecution ought not to be instituted unless the offense be such as can reasonably be construed as calculated to disturb the community. In such a case the public prosecutor has to protect the community in the person of an individual, but private character should be vindicated in an action for libel, and indictment for libel is only justified when it affects the public, as in an attempet [sic] to disturb the public peace.' "

    After hearing the court's discussion of this decision, the Grand Jury retired, and

    in a few moments returned with a finding of "no bill." The case was then dropped, as far as the criminal prosecution went, but "Pastor" Russell may try his luck in a civil suit, though Mr. Ross stated he was prepared to defend his pamphlet about "Pastor" Russell on the ground that be had written facts that can be proved. Mrs. Russell, the "pastor's" wife, who secured a limited divorce with alimony several years ago in the State of Pennsylvania, was present in court ready to testify for the defense. The libel charge against the Rev. Mr. Ross has been hanging fire in the courts here for some time. The first charge was thrown out of court by Justice Meredith on the ground that the defendant had been improperly held by the police magistrate, who had refused to allow the defendant's lawyer to cross-examine "Pastor" Russell. A new charge was then laid against the Baptist clergyman, and as "Pastor" Russell failed to appear in court on the return day, the magistrate offered to dismiss the complaint, but held it over at the request of the defense.

    A letter was then sent to "Pastor" Russell by the Rev. Mr. Ross, offering to pay his traveling expenses if he would come to Canada and prosecute the case. The Brooklynite was then on a cruise to the West Indies, and as soon as he returned he went to Canada to prosecute Mr. Ross, with the above disastrous result.

    As I said, Maria Russell has been portrayed by WTS apologists as being gradually reconciled to Russell, putting flowers on his grave (allegedly - they did not produce evidence), etc.

    The opposite is the truth.

    The most ferocious opponent of Russell's lies and deceit was Rev'd J.J. Ross, whose pamphlet about "Pastor" Russell was so accurate that Russell tried to get him jailed for criminal libel. And Mrs Russell went to assist Rev'd J.J. Ross - the significance of this is enormous, completely refuting the lies or deception or confusion of the WTS apologists.

    For those who doubted the accuracy of my claim... after having itself been forced to (successfully) defend against one of Russell's bullying, intimidatory writs for libel (intended to silence all his critics). the BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE was being scrupulously exact in its reporting so as to deny the rogue "Pastor" any chance to sue them again.

    So, the usual suspects, don't waste your bieath or fingertips trying to cast doubt to the Eagle here - you'll just get some WHACK!s from me and likely from passers-by too. If due to your assorted internal disorders you have a need to be Spiritual Pimps, Spiritual Fornicators, Spiritual Rapists, Spiritual Pornographers or even Spiritual Pedophiles, by supporting the filthy Whore of Brooklyn, do not do it here.



    ("J. J. Ross Class)


  • EdenOne

    Very interesting. It seems that the old mantra : "Don't take it to court so not to bring reproach upon Jehovah's name" was a lesson learned after Russel's failed court cases, when he feared having his private life exposed before the public eye. Avoiding litigation means in fact try at all costs to keep The skeletons deep inside the closets.


  • RichardHaley

    "I didn't come to JWN to destroy the Watchtower, although the more I know, the more I think this organization is unsound from top to bottom, as well as from its historical roots, and thus cannot be "reformed". I came to learn, to form a well-established, well-informed opinion about the Watchtower and its theology, and the point of view of its detractors. It shouldn't come as a surprise to you that the detractors of the WTS are mostly right, on multiple levels. So, my next goal is to help my family to get out, while trying to preserve my marriage."

    the gem here!

  • Focus

    Many more gems to come in this thread, RichardHaley. Spiritual food, for sure, and any time for it is"appropriate".

    EdenOne, you see - I never bluff.

    The "mistakes" I think that other researchers of Russell and Rutherford using the Brooklyn Daily Eagle and other papers have made include:

    * relying on the newspaper's own indexing systems - but they are very incomplete

    * more recently, on Google-searching for keywords (e.g., "Watchtower") in the crudely OCR'd text - but the OCR is often wrong, as the font sizes were small, the printing of poor quality and over the years the ink has faded and bled

    * relying on the newspaper's own "collection bundle" of cuttings about Russell (offered for 1 cent to cover postage; I provided the reference earlier in this thread) - but this was just a sampling of what the Eagle considered to be the most outrageous of Russell's acts, or involved the paper itself (e.g. Russell's vindictive libel action over the Easy Money cartoon featuring Miracle Wheat)

    * copying or relying on the work of previous researchers, including both articles the downloadable cuttings bundle available via torrent - but this is just a small handful of cuttings

    I use my own methods, which are as near to foolproof

    There is much more material to come. For example, to show to Old Goat how mistaken he was about taxes... spectacularly wrong!

    Unlike most, I have no difficulty whatsoever understanding the nature of Charles Taze Russell and his specific motivations for doing things. This was an intelligent, conscienceless and determined rogue.

    I wish this thread to remain readily visible for a long time to come. Please help.



    ("Original Independent Research Brother" Class)

  • EdenOne

    EdenOne , you see - I never bluff.

    I never asserted that you would. I merely pointed out that relying solely on a single, biased source like the Brooklyn Daily Eagle is a common trap that other researchers have fallen for in the past. The article barely passes the credibility test - I only find it believable because it places Maria Russell in a court room where other eye-witnesses could testify her presence [if that would ever come under dispute]. If there was a hotell bill, a train ticket or a picture, it would add considerable wheight. As it stands, it's believable, but just. I look forward to further material.


  • Focus

    it's believable, but just.

    EdenOne, I'm sorry to be the one to have to break this to you, but you have evidently missed not one, but three highly pertinent facts.

    (1) It is, in fact, not in the least bit surprising that Maria Russell would have been there in Canada in court,

    Rev'd J.J. Ross, clearly a man of means*, would have paid for her passage.

    After all - he had just then voluntarily paid for all the costs of Charles Russell's own passage to Hamilton!

    Yes, the defendant voluntarily paid for Russell to come and press his plaint. Didn't you read the record?

    Why did Ross take this extraordinary step? Simple if you have followed the story.

    The Canadian Ross had published a very accurate and highly damaging expose of Russell's crooked ways. Russell had responded by filing an official complaint of criminal libel against Ross, expecting Ross to be scared and back down.

    But quite the opposite happened. Russell had hugely underestimated the intelligent and resourceful Ross.

    As a result of Ross's vigorous response, Russell had no intention of coming to the trial, realizing by now that Ross would not back down, had amassed plenty of evidence and was more than spoiling for a fight - and a chance to obtain additional material with which to expose Russell. Which indeed Ross did, producing a second pamphlet with a supplement and still more damaging material about the rogue.

    Russell realized his bluff had been called.

    He realized that if he, the allegedly criminally-libelled party, now failed to show up in court, the case would automatically be dismissed, and that this was the best outcome for him. He would not need to climb down and could claim (as he did) that he didn't have the money to go to Canada (a total lie; he'd just returned from a luxury cruise of the Caribbean).

    Instead Ross brilliantly outwitted Russell by paying for his enemy's passage, and publishing that he had done so.

    Now Russell was hoist with his own petard, and his excuse that he couldn't afford it (the liar had been pleading poverty for nearly a decade by then, having hidden all his wealth behind corporations and trusts) had been taken away by Ross's brilliance.

    So he went, the case proceeded - and it was thrown out.

    * How do I know Ross was well-off? He'd published and distributed a number of free pamphlets and paid for Russell's passage to the court.

    So, inviting Maria Russell too, all expenses paid, would have been the smart thing for Ross to do - who knows what more would have then come out in open court, that had not during the divorce proceedings. Maria had now been thoroughly cheated by the "Pastor" over alimony and was no doubt boiling with rage against her villainous "spouse".

    And Ross was smart.

    Conclusion: Ross had the brains, motive and had the money, and Maria most certainly the motive. Only EdenOne is surprised with his illogical comment "The article barely passes the credibility test".

    (2) We will now use the logical tool of reductio ad absurdum for a second "proof".

    Several years ago, Russell had unsuccessfully tried to sue the Eagle for libel. The newspaper knew he would not spare them if they got something wrong.

    Stating that his ex-wife was willing to testify for the defence where the defendant had written a pamphlet which was almost as scathing of Russell's "character" (sic) as mine would have been, is clearly highly defamatory.

    Had Russell brought suit, truth would be the only possible defence.

    The burden of proof would have fallen on the person publishing the libel.

    If indeed the Eagle had been unable to prove that Maria had been there to testify for the defence, the paper would have suffered a ruinous loss in the libel court back in New York, and Russell would have never stopped crowing about it until syphilis, arsenical poisoning or even cystitis.

    Were they insane to take that risk, and undo everything? Further, they were a well-respected paper and would be trashing their own reputation.

    Using reduction ad absurdum, as they were clearly not setting themselves up to be hammered in the courts and lose their reputation and a lot of money, to someone they did not love too well, it follows that the article is absolutely accurate.

    (3) If even a word of this Brooklyn Daily Eagle account was untrue, or misleading, the Watchtower would have seized on this to show bias and persecution.

    The WYS has had over 100 years in which to do this.

    The Watchtower has not done it.

    They have attacked the Ross pamphlet, but they've never contested the Eagle's coverage of this.


    Three reasons. You go looking for train tickets for Maria, I don't have any. I'm sure the Eagle kept all the proof it needed, and threw it away after the dirty old liar died as the libel question died with Russell.

    So, you are wholly wrong, yet again. This is getting tiresome. I'll forgive evil (perhaps) but never such frightful boring-ness. Yes, I'm fed up of proving you've misuderstood things. Please think long and hard before posting these sort of ill-thought out doubts, right?

    I can't manufacture other sources. This happened over 100 years ago. No one knew back then that this crazy kooky cult would morph into a giant worldwide disease.

    Note: I don't need telling the following: I am careful to accuse only of that which I can reasonably prove, at least on the balance of likelihood (though usually beyond a reasonable doubt). I don't need lessons about this - thanks all the same.

    I'm now post-limited (i.e., muzzled) by choosing to deal with that odious swine on the other thread, instead of taking things to RL where it is far more satisfying, so you won't be hearing from me for some time.

    Next time - please - reflect carefully, and try to learn from your errors. Experience is the best teacher, but it is very expensive, and it has to be your expense. I'm not going to continue subsidising your education, EdenOne.

    What are you going to do for me, now?



    ("Restitution" Class)

  • EdenOne

    You're being obtuse, Focus.

    I'm not questioning the integrity of your story. I'm pointing out that relying on a single source for data [and a highly biased one at that] isn't very solid. Any half decent historian or journalist will tell you that. I'm not jumping onto your wagon just because you say so. Neither are many JW's who are sitting on the fence. For those, the Brooklyn Daily Eagle simply isn't a reliable source of information about their beloved CT Russell, because the Watchtower has done a fine job in denigrating that newspaper on the pages of the "Proclaimers" book and the "Yb 1976", to give a few examples. Thus, it's adviseable to have something more if you want to make your case truly convincing.

    I'm not the enemy. Pick your enemies more wisely. And stop being so sensitive just because someone is pointing out a weakness in your argumentation. This is a discussion board, not a pulpit. Get over it and carry on with your good work.


  • minimus



    Farkel is so missed.

  • Old Goat
    Old Goat

    At the time of the 1911 trial, the Brooklyn Eagle was Catholic leaning and noted for Yellow Journalism. One can't ignore its articles, but they are extremely biased, not just religiously but politically. Using the Eagle as a sole source is poor work.

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