US Supreme Court: Hobby Lobby wins we lose

by designs 89 Replies latest social current

  • Vidiot

    UN informed - "Buy your own damn birth control. Pay for your own abortion. Put your hands in your own pocket, get it out of everyone elses pockets."

    And while you're at it, get off my goddamned lawn!!!

  • designs

    Conestoga Wagons are making a comeback...

  • LivingTheDream

    Maybe someone on this forum can help clarify something for me, because I am confused about the ruling myself, even after reading it and listening to news comentators on it:

    Will Hobby Lobby still provide MOST forms of birth control or not, that is, after the ruling?

    I thought their argument was against having to provide for birth control that the Hobby Lobby owners believed were "abortive" in nature, like the Plan B (so called Morning After) pill. I didn't think the ruling was that Hobby Lobby would not provide most forms of birth control. They have always provided those kinds in the past (At least, this is what I have been led to believe... I could be wrong.) So, in a list of birth control methods available in the world, Hobby Lobby was refusing to provide a couple of them only that they deemed "aborted life" and that was the crux of the issue. Preventing preganancy itself doesn't seem to be an issue, at least in this particular case.

    I will add here that I am concerned myself by religious over reach. As an ex-JW, I hate it when so-called moral majorities inflict their beliefs on me. So, the ruling is concerning to me as well. I'm not defending it... yet.

    But at the same time, I want to be balanced in my view on what just occurred and not claim something that isn't, that is, that women have been denied birth control entirely if that isn't a fact.


  • designs

    It seems that groups like Hobby Lobby through their plans offer certain birth control options. It gets tricky though because an option for ending a pregnancy can be double dosing on a birth control pill that may or may not be offered under the current plan.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Employer provided health insurance is not "free stuff." There is a labor market. Benefits can be calculated. The "going rate" for any job is calculated by economists and others. Employers receive tax considerations and health insurance attracts employees who may have sought employment elsewhere. It is competitive. Since high school, I include my benefits when I consider what my actual salary is in real world terms. Most employers find healthy employees an important business consideration. Slavery ended with the Thirteenth Amendment.

  • designs

    Maybe someone can look up when Knorr and company were 'advising' JW women on acceptable and nonacceptable Birth Control.

  • designs

    If any here were part of the Org. during the Knorr reign of terror and remember him ranting on endlessly about people's sex lives, and how sickening it all was, you can have some appreciation for the intrusion that the Executives of Hobby Lobby are having on their employees private lives.

  • JeffT

    Employer provided health care began during WWII as an end-around to wage control laws. It was a tight labor market and employers could not just offer more money. So they started paying for health care as a bonus. Now its turned into something everybody expects to get at anything like a decent job.

    We've created a monster and we need to kill it somehow. Try to imagine what it would look like if auto insurance worked the same way. You're interviewing for a job that sounds great until you find out the company plan doesn't cover your car, or requires you to pay for one you don't own. We should be able to buy health insurance the same way, get what you need at the price you can afford. How many commercials do you see every night claiming to reduce the cost of your auto insurance? Compare that to the number of commercials you see offering to save you money on your health insurance.

    BOTR, you're smart to make that calculation, its what your employer does. You should also add in the cost of on the job accident coverage (I don't know what they call it in NY), and the portion of social security and medicare paid by the employer. All of those items

  • littlerockguy


    Is this what you are looking for in the US welfare stats?


  • GrreatTeacher

    Maybe Workmen's Comp is what you're thinking of?

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