Another PR / marketing website for a JW international convention - this time Seattle

by sir82 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • redvip2000

    I gotta say, they did a nice job with the website itself.

    Isn't it interesting how the conventions are pretty much large corporate sales meetings? the model is the same as any other corporate sales meeting down to the name badges.

    The only difference is that for example, when i go to a sales meeting for my job, my company pays for everything, including food. The WT on the other hand pays nothing for these people to go there. When it comes to money, it's totally one way traffic into the deep pockets of the Org.

  • LostGeneration

    I'm sure the nighttime entertainment is for the foreign delagates only.

    Though I am amused at the thought of them getting stuck in 4th of July traffic for hours on end.

  • Lynnie

    Yes the traffic around the U-District and Lake Union should be just nuts on Friday! The traffice starts way before the

    fireworks program! Perfect! Wonder how many delegates will wander over to Gasworks Park and watch the fireworks. Oh and the evening programs

    is being held at Bell Harbor Conference Center or the Renassiance Hotel are not going to be cheap either.

    The Renassiance is s 4 star hotel. I'm sure they could have found something cheaper and closer to Husky Stadium like

    the Silver Cloud but I guess that wasn't fancy enough! And guess who pays for all this? HA!

  • AndDontCallMeShirley
    Dear Convention Delegate,

    The Seattle Hospitality Committee warmly welcomes you to the 2014 “Keep Seeking First God’s Kingdom” International Convention.


    "Seeking The Kingdom First" includes:

    > Your evening program of entertainment

    > all-day tour to Mt. Ranier

    > tour of Boeing (part of Satan's commercial system)

    > all day whale-watching cruise


    At every convention I've gone to, the counsel is always don't stay out too late, don't focus on entertainment- we're not on vacation, an assembly is a program of worship...don't distract yourself or waste time on "worldly" pursuits and entertainment.

    I guess when the GB endorses entertainment then magically it's acceptable.

  • wannabefree

    Evening Program ... they put on an evening of entertaiment for the foreign delegates and invite 100 or so local JW's in good standing to mingle with them.'

    They sure are embracing the 100 year mark like it is something good.

    from the website ...

    A legacy of faith

    During the hundredth year of Christ’s reign, Jehovah’s people in Seattle are moving at an exhilarating pace. Follow Seattle’s inspiring theocratic history from 1914 to 2014—and see how you play a part.

  • BluesBrother

    Well, it is a pretty slick website and the info would be useful for visitors...Too slick,imho. It looks like a corporate conference . The tours look good though, a whole day whale watching - fantastic! just what you need to give you the energy for the convention...I hope they are good sailors , otherwise

    NB. The hotels look very grand , by our standards anyway. Things have certainly changed along the way....

    I was surprised to see a Facebook site..but I do not think that that one is official . What do you think?

  • gingerbread

    The Org is twisting itself inside out ... to be a Jehovah's Witness mean TONS of friends, fun & travel...

    We have family and friends that are attending the conventions in Atlanta, Indianapolis, Detroit, Seattle and in Hawaii. They all LOVE these new ideas! - streaming talks, literature carts, the annual meeting, iPad witnessing, the "JW" internet and all of the new focus on young ones.

    If anyone is fully 'in', this is the best time in the history of man to serve God....during the first 100 years of Kingdom Rule.

    They give us puzzled stares when we don't mirror their enthusiasm (like we used to just two short years ago)...


  • fredPotato

    That is a really well designed website! It even uses a service to hide WHOIS services.

    Can anyone say for sure it has been designed by the WT?

  • MaxTan

    One more, Indianapolis International Convention:

    The delegates get this information via email.

  • sir82


    "Authentic Indiana cuisine"?

    What is that, an opossum smoked over a smoldering tire?

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