Bible's mention of physical beauty- why?

by Magnum 52 Replies latest watchtower bible

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    Bible's mention of physical beauty- why


    Obvious - because it was writtern by lecherous perverts.

    Or WTF did you think the resurrection of the flesh referred to?



    ("Self-resurrecting and Risen" Class)

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?

  • zebagain

    As Mark Anthony said to Julius Caesar when Cleopatra paraded herself before them for the first time.

    "Julius take a look at her figure; XXXVI--XXII-XXXVI yay yay aye !"


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Bible's mention of physical beauty- why?

    It was a prophecy about me... 


  • confuzzlediam
    Illustrative writing.  Simply the writers were being descriptive regarding their subjects.  How boring would it be to read a book that had no details on what they were writing.  Details on their appearance gives us something to imagine.  Isn't that what writers do?  Describe with detail a scene, people, or events that happened?  I don't know.  Maybe too simple of an explanation, without going into the differences in writers, time and place?  Just a thought.
  • Magnum

    confuzzlediam, I'm not disagreeing with you; I'm just kind of thinking out loud.

    "Isn't that what writers do?"

    Well, I guess writers of novels and magazine pieces do, but we're talking about the supposed Word of God. We're not talking about writers who are trying to simply get or keep the attention of readers so they can make a buck or get on the best-seller list.

    It just doesn't seem right to me that there would be such emphasis in the Bible on physicality (not just beauty, but mightiness), since it supposedly teaches that it's inner qualities that are important. Why does the Bible's audience need to know the details about beauty?

    Consider again this point about baby Moses:

    “When she saw how good-looking he was, she kept him concealed for three lunar months” -Ex 2:2

    As I asked in the OP, "So if he hadn't been good-looking, what would she have done with him?" Would she not have helped him??? Would there have been no deliverance from Egypt? No ten plagues? No passover? No nation of Israel? No Mosaic Law? No kingdom through which the Messiah would come? Did all those things come about because a baby was beautiful? Thank God he wasn't homely.

    The inclusion of such material just seems to me to make the Bible seem like Greek mythology and other such writings that put emphasis on physical prowess and beauty - writings of men that simply reflect things they're concerned about.


    Popeye`s Girl Friend "Olive Oyl" singing:

                                                                        "Why am I so Beautiful!"

  • AndDontCallMeShirley


    I think we got all the bases covered!..

    Now we just have to "Hook Up" Fred and Olive!!..

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    @ Outlaw.... yep. Fred and Olive are one hot couple... the beautiful people. LOL.

    Glad you're back, Outlaw. I like your new avatar.

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