one reason for the dumbing down of the org

by Magnum 91 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Magnum

    Ding - yep, that's what it seems like. And that message won't fly with intelligent outsiders. That's why there ain't no growth in the educated countries.

  • WTWizard

    Dumb it down, make more stagnation. Even though the "deeper" material was still rubbish, at least it had some entertainment value. So, in order to damn souls for more stagnation (so they could feed joke-hova), they took out all the remaining entertainment value. They did this with the book study (no more in-depth comments, goodie nights, or variety), the Kingdumb maladies (making even worse ones), commenting in general (mostly in the words of the paragraph these days), and now the Great Boasting Sessions. Cut back on variety of experience, you make the damnation even worse.

  • steve2

    Data-Dog I hate it when you hit the damn nail on the head. You sum issues up succinctly and capture an issue's essence.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    I commend the dumbing down, I think it's great.

    Jesus Christ's message was simple. It was simple but profound principles. It was dumbed down!

    Boiled down to the barest essence, religious truth should be nothing more than the golden rule.

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    20 Jun 2014
    "I have no idea what generation means there still a celestial phenomenon coming?I know there's not an evil slave class.I'm glad about that one.The apostates seem to have gotten a demotion.:-)
    Yep...lots of changes and yet the truth is so much simpler to share with others.Hand them a tract...ask a couple a scripture...simple!"

  • DesirousOfChange

    20 Jun 2014
    "I have no idea what generation means there still a celestial phenomenon coming?I know there's not an evil slave class.I'm glad about that one.The apostates seem to have gotten a demotion.:-)
    Yep...lots of changes and yet the truth is so much simpler to share with others.Hand them a tract...ask a couple a scripture...simple!"


    My friends, this is why it IS BEST for some to simply remain as Jehovah's Witnesses. This person is much better off in the bOrg knowing they have a ready-made network and support group to think for them since they are obviously incapable of any intelligent thought on their own.

    The bOrg's ban on education is not doing any harm to this person. They were likely home-schooled and would have difficulty with an 8th Grade proficiency test.

    WE NEED SOME PEOPLE WHO CAN ONLY WORK AT WALMART OR McDONALDS. (S)he would fail miserably in college (esc maybe some liberal arts classes). Not everyone is geared for higher education. In fact, if (s)he could get a full time job at Starbucks, (s)he could leave a tract out on the counter and fulfill the hours required to Reg Pioneer, plus have the added benefit of seeing all the brothers and sisters who are out knocking on doors in Field Service at Starbucks too.


  • Magnum

    In reference to the two posts immediately above -

    I agree wholeheartedly with DesirousOfChange. I'm at work now and can't say much, but I've got to say that JWs like Serenity infuriate me. What an airheaded, clueless punk. And to think, she has the gall to wake people up on Saturday mornings to "teach" them. What a dumbass.

    I've got to come back to this when I get off work; I've got more to say.

  • sir82

    It never fails to amaze me - only among JWs is lack of education, understanding, intellect, and reasoning ability considered intrinsically virtuous.

    Serenity's post is the perfect example of this.

    I have no doubt whatsoever that she is viewed as one of the most "spiritual" sisters in her congregation.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "We are the bOrg. Resistance is expected. Not much we can do about. We win some and we lose some. Our lives suck, but the empty promises are keeping us in. We try to recruit more bOrg, but we pretty much suck at it. So we mostly focus on trying to keep the kids. That usually doesn't work. Oh well. Let's go back to the cube and fantasize about playing with pet pandas in a futuristic fantasy."

  • metatron

    I had to laugh at this thread when I thought back about part of the plot of 1984. Language was simplified to suppress dissent. One could say "Big Brother is double plus ungood' but it would make little sense without supporting vocabulary and argumentation.

    Such is the intent of tyrants. Not to be glib about it, but the reason for the dumbing down of the org is because Witnesses are commonly dumb and that suits the GB's desires.


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