one reason for the dumbing down of the org

by Magnum 91 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • steve2

    As a young Witness, I thrived on the Babylon Has Fallen tome of several hundred pages. As biased as that heavy book was, it demanded close attention to detail. It was a ponderous, well annotated work that credited readers with intelligence and the ability to reason. I read and re-read that book several times. Yet, even at that time - I started to first read it at age 12 in the late 1960s - I think it was released in the mid-60s -I noticed that many Witnesses were daunted by the book. Some older ones even suggested I studied it to "show off" - a mean and bizarre thing to say to a young boy who loved reading! These people have long comprised generous numbers of poorly educated souls whose defensiveness had them criticising anyone else who loves studying and reading.

    Anyway, here we are several decades later and the dumbing down has now resulted in absolute babyfood literature with nothing approaching the deeper things of the earlier decades. Baby food for babies, leaving the adults with active brain cells starving for intelligent reading.

  • nugget

    The last book of "substance" was the Revelation book. The amount of times they have revised it is beyond ridiculous since their interpretation was proved to be inaccurate. A brochure that says nothing and is mainly pretty pictures does not need revising and avoids embarrasment. It contains nothing but palatable nonsense that is suitable for the masses.

  • transhuman68

    LOL, the less the Borg prints, the less they can get wrong- because even their basic doctrines are wrong. A case in point: the 1963 BTG book was full of maps of Babylon, and Freddy traced its history back to the mythical Tower of Babel; and the mythical Nimrod- but he had the wrong city entirely! The BTG of Revelation was of course Rome, as any Bible scholar even back in the 60's knew. The whole book was just a waste of time.

  • westiebilly11

    Didn't ray Franz write most of commentary of James?...great book...but if studied today it would only expose elders etc as not fit for purpose.

  • donny

    I believe Ed Dunlap wrote the Commentary on the Letter of James.

  • sir82

    Growth is coming exclusively from the 3rd world, and 3rd world immigrants to western nations.

    Most of such folks are illiterate, or nearly so.

    Why write a 384 page book on types & antitypes? That doesn't appeal to your growth sector.

    Instead, it's better to write 32 page brochures with full-page illustrations and 2-inch margins on the few pages with actual text. It's better to gear talks & dramas on "how you feel" vs. "does this make even an iota of sense?"

    Once you stop thinking of the WTS as a "religion" and you think of it is a "business", it all makes perfect sense.

  • WingCommander

    Yes, it was Ed Dunlap that wrote the Commentary of James. That's why, 34 years later, it still holds up to the test of time, while Freddy's "types and anti-types" bullshit is nothing more than mindless drivel of a lunatic.

    RIP, Ed Dunlap, a man who stood up for his principals, beliefs, and REAL truth.

    - Wing Commander

  • NewYork44M

    For lack of a better way to put it the dumb down because that it their target market. You don't see them publishing in peer reviewed academic journals, because that is not their market.

    The problem with dumbing down is that there is only so far you can go on the dumb down scale.

    BTW, I never understood the "simplified english" version of the Wt. Who are they targeting this version to?

  • Vidiot

    The Org has to "dumb down" the literature to accomodate the only ones who'll join up...

    ...and the ones who join up, in turn, require the Org to further "dumb down" the lterature.

    One feeds the other.

  • Vidiot

    Barrold Bonds - "Yeah there's absolutely a HUGE difference in the style of writing post-Franz."

    Oh, definately.

    Say what you will about Write Sad Fred, but the man had a hell of an imagination and could definately script an End-Times narrative with the best of 'em.

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