Caleb asks his Dad a question.

by LogCon 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RubaDub

    Caleb: Dad, my older brother says he is afraid to talk to you. He told me he has the drip.

    Dad: Son, you are too young to understand these complex matters.

    Caleb: But dad, I don't think he was using protection. He was probably going bareback.

    Dad: True son, true .. <sigh> ... But you are too young to think about these things.

    Caleb: But dad, I am old enough to get baptized. Why can't we talk about it?

    Dad: Yes son, yes ... <sigh> ... I understand ... that is true.

    Caleb: Dad, I think he needs a visit to the doctor.

    Dad: I will make an appointment and have a good father to son talk with him.

    Caleb: Yes dad. That will be good. I don't like to hear him making those sounds when he tries to pee.

    Dad: Yes son. You are right. You are right.

    Rub a Dub

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